'Finished studies 3 years back and now..,' Indian students facing deportation risk in Canada

The Biggest Immigration Fraud: Why 700 Indian Students Took to the Streets in Canada

Canada is a popular destination for many students from India who want to pursue higher education and settle in a developed country. However, not all of them are able to achieve their dreams legally and ethically. In a recent case, over 700 Indian students are facing deportation from Canada after their admission offer letters were found to be fake. This is being called the biggest immigration fraud in Canadian history and has sparked protests and outrage among the affected students.

How did the fraud happen?

The fraud was orchestrated by a Punjab-based immigration and counselling services agent named Brijesh Mishra, who ran two companies called Education Migration Services and Easy Way Immigration. He charged each student between Rs 16 to Rs 20 lakh for all expenses, including admission fees to a premier institute called Humber College in Toronto. He also provided them with fake air tickets and security deposits.

However, when the students arrived in Toronto, Mishra told them that the seats in the courses they had applied for were already taken and they would have to wait for six months for the next semester. He then suggested that they take up two-year diploma courses in another college, which was less known and less reputable. He also returned their Humber College fees, which made them less suspicious of his motives.

The students completed their courses and some of them even got work permits. The fraud came to light when they applied for permanent residency (PR) in Canada and submitted their documents to the Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA). The CBSA scrutinized their visa documents and found that the admission offer letters from Humber College were fake. The CBSA then issued deportation notices to all the students, giving them an opportunity for a hearing.

Why did the students protest?

The students claimed that they were innocent victims of Mishra's scam and that they had followed all the rules and regulations. They said that they had no idea that their admission letters were fake and that they had paid huge amounts of money to Mishra for his services. They also said that they had invested their time and energy in studying and working in Canada and that they deserved a chance to stay in the country.

The students staged an indefinite protest in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to mount pressure on the Canadian government to put a hold on the deportation orders. They also sought legal help from lawyers and human rights activists. They said that deporting them would ruin their lives and careers and that they had nowhere to go back in India.

What is the status of the case?

The case is still ongoing and the fate of the students is uncertain. The only option for them is to challenge the deportation order in court, but that could take three to four years. Meanwhile, Mishra is absconding and has not been arrested yet. He has been accused of fraud before, when he was running another immigration agency called Easy Way Immigration in 2013. He was arrested for forging documents to send students abroad.

The case has exposed the loopholes and risks in the immigration system and has raised questions about the credibility and accountability of immigration agents. It has also highlighted the plight and vulnerability of students who fall prey to such scams and face deportation from their dream country.

How to avoid immigration fraud?

Immigration fraud is a serious issue that can affect not only your chances of immigrating to Canada, but also your legal status, your finances, and your personal safety. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common types of immigration fraud and how to avoid them. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself from immigration fraud:

- Do not go to a notario or a notary public for immigration or legal help. In some countries, a notario or a notary public may be someone who has a lot of legal training, but in Canada and the U.S., they are only witnesses to the signing of official documents. They are not licensed attorneys and they cannot give you legal advice or represent you in immigration matters. If you need legal advice or assistance, you should consult with a licensed immigration attorney or an accredited representative approved by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
- Do not sign blank immigration forms or forms that have false information about you or your situation. A dishonest notario or agent may ask you to do this and then fill in the forms with incorrect or fraudulent information. This can harm your immigration case and expose you to legal consequences. Always read and understand what you are signing and make sure it reflects your true information and circumstances.
- Do not pay for immigration forms. The official forms from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are free and available on their website. If someone charges you for immigration forms, they are scamming you. You can also find free information and resources on the USCIS website, such as how to apply for different immigration benefits, how to check your case status, and how to avoid common scams.
- Do not let a notario or anyone else keep your original documents. Your original documents, such as your passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc., belong to you and you should always keep them in a safe place. If someone asks you to give them your original documents or refuses to return them to you, they may be trying to use them for fraudulent purposes or extort money from you. Never give up your original documents unless it is required by an official government agency.
- Do not fall for fake immigration websites. Some websites may look like they are connected with USCIS or other government agencies, but they are not. They may use names like “U.S. Immigration” and show pictures of American flags or the Statue of Liberty, but if the website address does not end with .gov, it is not a federal government website and not connected with USCIS. These fake websites may charge you for forms that are free from the government, offer false promises of faster processing or guaranteed results, or steal your personal information. The only official website for USCIS is www.uscis.gov.
- Do not get lured by diversity lottery scams. The U.S. Department of State manages the Diversity Visa Immigrant Program, also known as the “visa lottery”. It is free to enter and the winners are picked at random every year. However, scammers may try to trick you by charging money to apply to the program, promising special access or increased chances of winning, or asking for personal information or fees after you win. These are all signs of fraud and you should ignore them. You can only enter the visa lottery once a year and only at dvlottery.state.gov.
- Do not trust anyone who guarantees you a visa or a green card. No one can guarantee you a visa or a green card, no matter how much money they charge you or how well they claim to know someone in the government. The decision to grant you a visa or a green card depends on many factors, such as your eligibility, your qualifications, your background check, and the availability of visas. Only USCIS or a U.S. consulate can approve your application after reviewing your case.
- Do your research before hiring an immigration representative. If you decide to hire an immigration representative to help you with your case, make sure they are qualified and trustworthy. You can verify an attorney’s credentials with the state bar association where they are licensed by checking online. You can also check if they have any complaints or disciplinary actions against them. You can see whether a DOJ accredited representative is legally able to provide immigration services by going to the DOJ’s website and selecting “AccreditedRepresentativesList”. You should also ask for references, testimonials, or reviews from their previous clients and compare their fees and services with other representatives.
- Report immigration fraud if you encounter it or become a victim of it. Immigration fraud is a crime and it hurts not only you, but also the integrity of the immigration system and the rights of other immigrants. If you encounter or become a victim of immigration fraud, you should report it to the authorities as soon as possible. You can report immigration fraud to USCIS by calling 1-800-375-5283 or by filling out an online tip form. You can also report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by calling 1-877-382-4357 or by filing a complaint online. Reporting immigration fraud can help stop the scammers and prevent others from falling victim to them.

Immigration is a complex and challenging process, but it can also be rewarding and fulfilling. By following these tips, you can avoid immigration fraud and get real help from legitimate sources. Remember, you are not alone and there are many resources and organizations that can support you in your immigration journey.

How to prepare for immigration to Canada?

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, you need to prepare yourself well in advance and follow the proper steps and procedures. Canada is a diverse and welcoming country that offers many opportunities and benefits to immigrants, but it also has strict rules and regulations that you need to comply with. Here are some tips to help you prepare for immigration to Canada:

- Determine your eligibility and choose the right program. Canada has many immigration programs for different categories of immigrants, such as skilled workers, family members, refugees, investors, entrepreneurs, students, etc. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, requirements, and application process. You need to determine which program suits your situation and goals best and check if you meet the eligibility criteria. You can use the online tool on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website to find out which programs you may qualify for.
- Gather your documents and evidence. Depending on the program you choose, you may need to provide various documents and evidence to support your application, such as your passport, birth certificate, education certificates, work experience letters, language test results, medical exam reports, police clearance certificates, etc. You need to gather these documents in advance and make sure they are valid, accurate, and complete. You may also need to get some of them translated into English or French by a certified translator. You can find the list of required documents for each program on the IRCC website.
- Submit your application online or by mail. Once you have all your documents ready, you can submit your application online or by mail to the IRCC or the visa office responsible for your country or region. You need to fill out the application forms correctly and honestly and pay the required fees. You can find the application forms and instructions for each program on the IRCC website. You should also keep a copy of your application and receipts for your reference.
- Wait for processing and decision. After you submit your application, you need to wait for the IRCC or the visa office to process it and make a decision. The processing time may vary depending on the program, the volume of applications, and the complexity of your case. You can check the status of your application online or by contacting the IRCC or the visa office. You may also be asked to provide additional information or documents, attend an interview, or undergo a biometric verification during the processing.
- Prepare for arrival and settlement in Canada. If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) and a permanent resident visa (if applicable). You need to bring these documents with you when you travel to Canada. You also need to prepare yourself for arrival and settlement in Canada by learning about the country, its culture, laws, rights and responsibilities, health care system, education system, etc. You can find useful information and resources on the IRCC website or other official websites of Canada. You can also seek help from settlement agencies or organizations that provide services and support to newcomers in Canada.

Immigration to Canada can be a rewarding and life-changing experience if you prepare yourself well and follow the proper steps and procedures. By avoiding immigration fraud and getting real help from legitimate sources, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy your new life in Canada.

How to succeed and thrive in Canada?

If you have successfully immigrated to Canada, congratulations! You have taken a big step towards achieving your dreams and goals. However, your journey does not end here. You still need to adapt and integrate into your new country and community. You also need to pursue your career, education, or business aspirations and contribute to the society and economy of Canada. Here are some tips to help you succeed and thrive in Canada:

- Learn the official languages. Canada has two official languages: English and French. Depending on where you live and work, you may need to communicate in one or both of these languages. Learning the official languages will help you communicate effectively, access services and opportunities, make friends and connections, and participate in the civic life of Canada. You can find language classes, courses, or programs offered by various organizations or institutions in Canada. You can also practice your language skills by reading, watching, listening, or speaking with native speakers or other learners.
- Upgrade your skills and credentials. Canada has a highly skilled and competitive workforce. To succeed in your career, education, or business in Canada, you may need to upgrade your skills and credentials. You may need to get your foreign credentials assessed and recognized by Canadian authorities or employers. You may also need to take additional courses, training, or exams to meet the Canadian standards or requirements. You can find information and resources on credential assessment and recognition on the IRCC website or other official websites of Canada. You can also seek guidance from career counselors, mentors, or coaches who can help you plan your career path and goals in Canada.
- Network and connect with others. Canada is a diverse and multicultural country. You can meet people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, ethnicities, etc. in Canada. Networking and connecting with others can help you expand your social circle, find support and assistance, access information and opportunities, and enrich your cultural experience in Canada. You can network and connect with others by joining clubs, groups, associations, or organizations that share your interests, hobbies, values, or beliefs. You can also attend events, activities, or programs that celebrate diversity and inclusion in Canada.
- Explore and enjoy Canada. Canada is a vast and beautiful country. It has many natural wonders, attractions, landmarks, regions, provinces, territories, etc. that you can explore and enjoy. Exploring and enjoying Canada can help you learn more about the country, its history, culture, geography, etc. It can also help you relax, have fun, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of Canada. You can explore and enjoy Canada by traveling within the country or visiting different places of interest. You can also take advantage of the free admission to national parks, historic sites, or marine conservation areas offered by Parks Canada.

Immigrating to Canada is not only a challenge but also an opportunity. By following these tips, you can make the most of your opportunity and achieve success and happiness in Canada. Remember, you are not alone and there are many resources and organizations that can support you in your immigration journey.

How to contribute and give back to Canada?

Canada is a country that welcomes and supports immigrants. It offers many benefits and opportunities to immigrants, such as freedom, democracy, human rights, health care, education, etc. However, Canada also expects immigrants to contribute and give back to the country and its society. By contributing and giving back to Canada, you can show your gratitude and appreciation, demonstrate your commitment and loyalty, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Here are some ways to contribute and give back to Canada:

- Respect and follow the laws. Canada is a country that respects and follows the rule of law. The laws in Canada are designed to protect the rights and freedoms of everyone and to ensure peace and order in the society. By respecting and following the laws in Canada, you can show your respect and appreciation for the country and its values. You can also avoid legal troubles and penalties that may affect your immigration status or future prospects in Canada.
- Pay your taxes. Canada is a country that provides many public services and programs to its residents, such as health care, education, social security, infrastructure, etc. These services and programs are funded by the taxes paid by the residents. By paying your taxes in Canada, you can show your support and contribution to the country and its development. You can also benefit from the services and programs that you help fund. You can find information and resources on how to file your taxes in Canada on the Canada Revenue Agency website or other official websites of Canada.
- Volunteer your time and skills. Canada is a country that values and encourages volunteerism. Volunteering is a way of giving your time and skills to help others or support a cause that you care about. By volunteering in Canada, you can show your generosity and compassion for the country and its people. You can also gain valuable experience, skills, knowledge, or contacts that may help you in your career, education, or business in Canada. You can find volunteer opportunities in Canada by searching online or contacting local organizations or agencies that match your interests or goals.
- Donate your money or goods. Canada is a country that appreciates and supports donations. Donations are a way of giving your money or goods to help others or support a cause that you care about. By donating in Canada, you can show your kindness and generosity for the country and its people. You can also make a positive impact on the lives of others or the issues that matter to you. You can find donation opportunities in Canada by searching online or contacting local organizations or agencies that match your interests or goals.

Immigrating to Canada is not only a privilege but also a responsibility. By contributing and giving back to Canada, you can fulfill your responsibility and express your gratitude for the country that welcomed you. Remember, you are part of Canada and Canada is part of you.Here is a possible conclusion of the blog article based on my own words and knowledge. Please note that this is not a professional service and I cannot guarantee the accuracy or quality of the content. You may need to edit or rewrite it before publishing.


Immigration is a complex and challenging process, but it can also be rewarding and fulfilling. By avoiding immigration fraud and getting real help from legitimate sources, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy your new life in Canada. By preparing yourself well and following the proper steps and procedures, you can adapt and integrate into your new country and community. By succeeding and thriving in Canada, you can pursue your dreams and goals and achieve happiness and satisfaction. By contributing and giving back to Canada, you can show your gratitude and appreciation, demonstrate your commitment and loyalty, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Canada is a country that welcomes and supports immigrants. It offers many benefits and opportunities to immigrants, but it also expects immigrants to contribute and give back to the country and its society. Immigrating to Canada is not only a challenge but also an opportunity. By following these tips, you can make the most of your opportunity and achieve success and happiness in Canada. Remember, you are not alone and there are many resources and organizations that can support you in your immigration journey.

(2) Biggest immigration fraudster in Canadian history left $900K fine .... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/xun-sunny-want-release-fines-immigration-1.4727253.
(4) Biggest immigration fraud "adversely impacts Canadian society". https://vancouversun.com/news/staff-blogs/mass-immigration-fraud-adversely-impacts-canadian-society/.
(7) DNA: DNA test of the biggest immigration fraud, why 700 Indian students took to the streets in Canada. https://www.msn.com/en-in/video/watch/dna-dna-test-of-the-biggest-immigration-fraud-why-700-indian-students-took-to-the-streets-in-canada/vi-AA1clvEw.
(9) Why 700 Indian Students Face Deportation From Canada? All You Need To Know. https://english.jagran.com/india/why-700-indian-students-face-deportation-from-canada-all-you-need-to-know-10069309.


How do I report immigration fraud in Canada?

How do I report immigration fraud? Call the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Border Watch Toll-Free Line at 1-888-502-9060 to report: suspicious activity at the border.

How do I anonymously report illegal immigrants in Canada?

Call Service Canada's telephone tip line: 1-866-602-9448 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) 1. leave a message with the information for Service Canada to investigate, or. 2. talk to a live Service Canada agent in one of more than 200 languages.

How can I protect myself from immigration fraud?

Do not sign any forms, applications, or papers containing false statements or inaccurate information. Even if someone tells you to put false information on an immigration paper, providing false information to the government may put you in danger of removal or deportation from the U.S.

Can I sue immigration officer in Canada?

Anyone may file a complaint against an Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) member about conduct that is believed to be contrary to the Code of Conduct for Members of the IRB.

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