Khalistan Supporter Avtar Singh Who Pulled Down Tricolour at Indian Embassy in London Dies

Khalistan Supporter Avtar Singh Who Pulled Down Tricolour at Indian Embassy in London Dies


Avtar Singh, a Khalistan supporter who was involved in pulling down the Indian flag at the Indian High Commission in London in March 2023, has died of a heart attack on June 14, 2023. He was 52 years old and had been living in the UK for over two decades. He was one of the protesters who scaled the walls of the embassy and brought down the tricolour to the chants of 'Khalistan Zindabad'. The incident had sparked a diplomatic row between India and the UK, with India summoning the senior-most UK diplomat in New Delhi and demanding an explanation for the lack of security and action against the perpetrators.


The protest outside the Indian High Commission was organized by a group of Khalistan supporters who were demanding the release of Amritpal Singh, a separatist leader who was declared a fugitive by the Punjab Police in India. Amritpal Singh was accused of masterminding several terror attacks in Punjab and running an illegal arms racket under the name of Anandpur Khalsa Force (AKF). He was also allegedly involved in radicalizing Sikh youth in India and abroad and inciting them to join the Khalistan movement. The Punjab Police had launched a massive manhunt for him and arrested seven of his close aides in March 2023. They had also recovered bulletproof jackets and weapons with AKF stamps from them.


The incident of pulling down the Indian flag had drawn widespread condemnation from both India and the UK. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) had expressed its strong protest and said that it found unacceptable the indifference of the UK government to the security of Indian diplomatic premises and personnel in the UK. It had also sought immediate steps to identify, arrest and prosecute those involved in the incident and prevent its recurrence. The UK High Commissioner to India, Alex Ellis, had tweeted his condemnation of the disgraceful acts and said that they were totally unacceptable. He had also assured that the UK government would cooperate with India on this matter.

Current Situation

According to sources, Avtar Singh had been suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes for a long time. He had collapsed at his home in Southall, London, on June 14, 2023, and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead. His family members have claimed that he died due to natural causes and not due to any police action or harassment. However, some Khalistan supporters have alleged that he was killed by Indian agents as part of a conspiracy to silence him. They have also demanded a thorough investigation into his death.

The following table summarizes some key facts about Avtar Singh and his involvement in the incident:

| Name | Avtar Singh |
| --- | --- |
| Age | 52 |
| Nationality | British |
| Occupation | Taxi driver |
| Affiliation | Khalistan supporter |
| Role | Pulled down Indian flag at Indian High Commission in London |
| Date of incident | March 19, 2023 |
| Date of death | June 14, 2023 |
| Cause of death | Heart attack |


The death of Avtar Singh has brought back the attention to the issue of Khalistan separatism and its impact on India-UK relations. While both countries have reiterated their commitment to fight against terrorism and extremism, they have also faced challenges in dealing with the radical elements within their respective Sikh communities. The incident of pulling down the Indian flag has also raised questions about the security arrangements at diplomatic missions and the need for better coordination between law enforcement agencies. It remains to be seen how this case will be resolved and what implications it will have for the future.


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