Shakuntala Railways - The Indian railway that doesn't belong to India

The Indian Railway That Doesn't Belong to India

India has one of the largest and most extensive railway networks in the world, with over 68,000 km of tracks and 7,500 stations. But did you know that there is one railway line in India that is not owned by the Indian Railways? It is called the Shakuntala Railway, and it has a fascinating history and a unique status.

What is the Shakuntala Railway?

The Shakuntala Railway is a 189 km narrow gauge railway line that runs between Yavatmal and Achalpur in central India. It was built by the Central Provinces Railway Company (CPRC), a British firm that was founded in 1910 by Killick, Nixon & Company to operate railway lines in the British Raj. The CPRC named the railway line after Shakuntala, the legendary queen of Vidarbha and the heroine of Kalidasa's epic poem Abhijnanasakuntalam.

The Shakuntala Railway was mainly used to transport cotton from the cotton-rich regions of Vidarbha to Murtazapur, where it connected with the main line to Mumbai. From there, the cotton was shipped to Manchester, where it was processed into textiles. The railway line also served as a lifeline for the local people, who used it for commuting, trading and travelling.

How did it become a private railway?

In 1951, after India gained independence from British rule, the Indian government nationalized all the railway lines in the country and merged them into one entity: the Indian Railways. However, due to some oversight or error, the Shakuntala Railway was left out of the list of nationalized railways. As a result, it remained under the ownership of the CPRC, which became the only private railway company in India.

The CPRC continued to operate the Shakuntala Railway as a leased line, paying a royalty to the Indian Railways for using its tracks and facilities. The royalty amount was Rs 1.2 crore per year until 2004, when it was revised to Rs 3 crore per year. The CPRC also had to follow the rules and regulations of the Indian Railways, such as fares, timetables and safety standards.

The Shakuntala Railway became a curiosity and an anomaly in the Indian railway system. It was also a source of nostalgia and pride for the people of Vidarbha, who cherished its heritage and charm. The railway line still used diesel engines instead of electric ones, and its coaches had wooden interiors and broken windows. The tracks were only two feet wide, and the trains ran at a leisurely speed of 30 km per hour.

What is its future?

In 2016, the Indian Railway Minister announced that the Shakuntala Railway would be converted into a broad gauge railway line as part of a project to improve connectivity and development in Vidarbha. The project would also involve laying new tracks and building new stations along the route. The CPRC agreed to hand over its ownership rights to the Indian Railways for a compensation of Rs 208 crore.

The conversion project is expected to be completed by 2023. It will mark the end of an era for the Shakuntala Railway, which has been running for over a century as a private railway line in India. However, it will also open up new opportunities and possibilities for the people of Vidarbha, who will benefit from faster and more comfortable trains.

The Shakuntala Railway is a remarkable example of how history and culture can shape and preserve a unique identity in a changing world. It is also a testament to how railways can connect people and places across distances and time.

How to visit the Shakuntala Railway?

If you want to experience the Shakuntala Railway before it is transformed into a broad gauge line, you can still catch a ride on the Shakuntala Express, the only train that runs on this route. The Shakuntala Express operates twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from Yavatmal to Achalpur and back. The train has only three coaches: one first class, one second class and one general class. The fare is Rs 25 for first class, Rs 15 for second class and Rs 10 for general class.

The journey takes about four hours each way, and covers 34 stations along the way. Some of the stations are so small and remote that they have no name boards or staff. The train stops at each station for a few minutes, allowing passengers to get on and off, buy snacks and drinks from vendors, or just stretch their legs. The train also passes through scenic landscapes of fields, forests and hills.

The best way to reach Yavatmal or Achalpur is by bus or car from Nagpur, which is the nearest major city and airport. You can also take a train to Murtazapur, which is connected to Nagpur by the Howrah-Mumbai Mail. From Murtazapur, you can take a local train or a bus to Yavatmal or Achalpur.

The Shakuntala Railway is a rare and precious gem in the Indian railway network. It offers a glimpse into the past and a taste of the present of Vidarbha. It is a must-visit for anyone who loves railways, history or adventure.

Why is the Shakuntala Railway important?

The Shakuntala Railway is not just a railway line, but a symbol of the history and culture of Vidarbha. It represents the legacy of the British Raj, the struggle for independence, the development of the cotton industry, and the aspirations of the people of Vidarbha. It also showcases the diversity and beauty of the region, which is home to various communities, languages, cuisines and wildlife.

The Shakuntala Railway is also a source of inspiration and hope for the future. It shows how railways can bring progress and prosperity to remote and underdeveloped areas. It also demonstrates how railways can preserve and promote the heritage and identity of a region. The conversion of the Shakuntala Railway into a broad gauge line will not only improve its efficiency and capacity, but also its accessibility and visibility.

The Shakuntala Railway is a unique and valuable asset for India. It deserves to be celebrated and cherished by all Indians, especially those who love railways. It is a railway line that belongs to India, but also to the world.

How to support the Shakuntala Railway?

If you are interested in supporting the Shakuntala Railway and its preservation, you can join or donate to some of the organizations that are working for this cause. Some of these organizations are:

- The Indian Steam Railway Society (ISRS): This is a non-profit organization that aims to preserve and promote the heritage of steam locomotives and railways in India. The ISRS has been involved in restoring and operating some of the steam engines that used to run on the Shakuntala Railway. You can visit their website at to learn more about their activities and projects.
- The Heritage Railways Association (HRA): This is an association of heritage railway operators, enthusiasts and supporters in India. The HRA works to protect and promote the interests of heritage railways in India, and to facilitate cooperation and exchange among them. The HRA has been advocating for the preservation and recognition of the Shakuntala Railway as a heritage railway. You can visit their website at to learn more about their objectives and members.
- The Shakuntala Railway Foundation (SRF): This is a proposed foundation that aims to preserve and develop the Shakuntala Railway as a tourist attraction and a cultural asset. The SRF plans to raise funds and awareness for the Shakuntala Railway, and to collaborate with the Indian Railways, the CPRC, the local authorities and the communities along the route. The SRF also intends to establish a museum and a heritage park dedicated to the Shakuntala Railway. You can visit their Facebook page at to learn more about their vision and mission.

The Shakuntala Railway is a treasure that needs to be preserved and shared with the world. You can help by visiting, supporting or spreading the word about this amazing railway line. 


The Shakuntala Railway is a remarkable railway line that has a rich and unique history and a bright and promising future. It is a railway line that doesn't belong to India, but to the world. It is a railway line that connects the past and the present, the rural and the urban, the local and the global. It is a railway line that deserves to be visited, appreciated and celebrated by all.

If you are looking for a memorable and meaningful travel experience, you should definitely consider taking a ride on the Shakuntala Express. You will not only enjoy the scenic and serene journey, but also learn about the history and culture of Vidarbha. You will also support the preservation and development of this railway line, which is a valuable asset for India and the world.

The Shakuntala Railway is more than just a railway line. It is a story, a legacy, a lifeline and a dream. It is a railway line that you will never forget.

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(4) SHAKUNTALA RAILWAYS -- The Indian Railway Line that doesn't belong to ....


Which is not Indian Railways?

Sikkim is the only state in India that does not have a railway station.

Which Indian Railways connect to other countries?

India - Pakistan There are two trains from India to Pakistan, Samjhauta Express and Thar Link Express. The Samjhauta Express is the most popular train route to travel from India to Pakistan. It starts from Atari Junction in Amritsar and goes to Lahore Junction in Pakistan.

Which train goes out of India?

The Thar Link Express is part of the international passenger train operated on a weekly basis by the Indian Railways Network. The journey of Thar Link Express starts from Bhagat Ki Kothi railway station and ends at the Munabao Junction.

Why there is no train in Sikkim?

The main reason for no railway station in the state is that almost all the areas of Sikkim are situated in High Mountains. This makes it difficult to implement the plan to construct a railway line here.

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