The State of Online Harassment

Social Media Harassment: A Growing Problem

Social media harassment is a form of online abuse that involves targeting someone on social media platforms with harmful or offensive behavior. It can include:

- Offensive name-calling
- Purposeful embarrassment
- Stalking
- Physical threats
- Harassment over a sustained period of time
- Sexual harassment

According to a Pew Research Center survey², 41% of Americans have experienced some form of online harassment, and 25% have experienced more severe forms of harassment. Politics is the most common reason for online harassment, followed by physical appearance, gender, race or ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

Social media harassment can have serious consequences for the victims, such as:

- Psychological distress
- Loss of self-esteem
- Fear for personal safety
- Reduced productivity
- Withdrawal from online activities
- Damage to reputation or career

How to Prevent and Respond to Social Media Harassment

If you are facing social media harassment, you are not alone and you are not powerless. There are some steps you can take to protect yourself and others from online abuse:

- Identify the type and severity of the harassment. Is it a critique, an insult, or abuse? Is it less severe (name-calling or embarrassment) or more severe (stalking or threats)?
- Document the harassment. Take screenshots, save messages, and record dates and times of the incidents. This can help you report the harassment to the platform, the authorities, or your employer.
- Block or mute the harasser. Most social media platforms have tools that allow you to limit or stop interactions with someone who is harassing you. You can also adjust your privacy settings to control who can see or comment on your posts.
- Report the harassment. You can flag or report abusive content or accounts to the social media platform and ask them to take action. You can also contact law enforcement if you feel threatened or violated by the harassment. If the harassment is related to your work, you can inform your employer or human resources department and seek their support.
- Seek help and support. You don't have to deal with social media harassment alone. You can reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, or online communities for emotional support and advice. You can also seek professional help from a counselor, therapist, or a helpline if you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed by the harassment.

How to Avoid Harassing Others on Social Media

While social media can be a great way to express yourself and connect with others, it can also be a platform for spreading hate and negativity. Here are some tips on how to avoid harassing others on social media:

- Be respectful and civil. Don't use abusive language, personal attacks, or insults when communicating with others online. Remember that behind every screen there is a human being with feelings and opinions.
- Be mindful of your tone and intention. Sometimes, what you intend as a joke or a criticism can be perceived as harassment by others. Think before you post or comment and consider how your words might affect others.
- Be aware of your biases and prejudices. Don't judge or stereotype people based on their identity, appearance, beliefs, or preferences. Don't assume that everyone shares your views or experiences. Try to learn from different perspectives and cultures.
- Be accountable and apologize. If you realize that you have harassed someone online, whether intentionally or unintentionally, take responsibility for your actions and apologize sincerely. Delete or edit your offensive content and try to make amends with the person you harmed.


Social media harassment is a serious issue that affects many people online. It can cause emotional, mental, physical, and professional harm to the victims and create a toxic environment for everyone. However, there are ways to prevent and respond to social media harassment, as well as to avoid harassing others online. By following these tips, you can help make social media a safer and more positive space for yourself and others.

How to Create a Positive Social Media Presence

While social media can be a source of harassment and negativity, it can also be a powerful tool for creating a positive impact and inspiring others. Here are some ways you can use social media to create a positive presence online:

- Share your story and your values. Social media can be a great way to showcase your personality, your passions, and your goals. You can share your achievements, your challenges, your insights, and your opinions with others who might relate to or learn from you. You can also use social media to express your values and beliefs and to stand up for causes that matter to you.
- Engage with your audience and your community. Social media can help you build relationships and connections with people who share your interests, values, or experiences. You can interact with your followers, your friends, or your peers by liking, commenting, or messaging them. You can also join or create groups, forums, or chats where you can discuss topics that interest you or support each other. You can also use social media to collaborate with others on projects, campaigns, or events that benefit your community or society.
- Create and share valuable content. Social media can be a platform for showcasing your skills, talents, or knowledge and providing value to others. You can create and share content that is informative, educational, entertaining, or inspiring. You can also share content that is relevant, timely, or trending and that sparks conversations or debates. You can use different formats, such as text, images, videos, podcasts, or live streams to reach different audiences and convey different messages.
- Be authentic and positive. Social media can help you build trust and credibility with your audience and your community by being yourself and being honest. You can be authentic by showing your personality, your emotions, and your vulnerabilities. You can also be positive by spreading kindness, gratitude, and optimism. You can compliment others, thank others, or encourage others on social media. You can also share positive stories, quotes, or memes that uplift yourself and others.

Social media can be a double-edged sword that can bring both harm and benefit to yourself and others. However, by following these tips, you can use social media to create a positive presence online that reflects who you are and what you stand for. You can also use social media to connect with others who share your vision and values and to create a positive impact in the world.


(1) The State of Online Harassment | Pew Research Center.
(2) You’re Not Powerless in the Face of Online Harassment.
(3) How to Handle Social Media Harassment - Business News Daily.
(4) Social Media Harassment – Examples and Preventive Steps.
(5) Social Media Harassment: 4 Types You Should Know - Impactly.


How does social media contribute to harassment?

Actions of Social Media Harassment Encourage people to send the victim unsolicited or threatening emails or send the victim excessive emails. Viruses sent via email are electronic sabotage. Disseminating rumors. Posting online disparaging remarks about the subject.

What does harassment mean on social media?

If a person sends you threatening, abusive or offensive messages via Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site, they could be committing an offence.

How many people have been harassed on social media?

41% of U.S. adults have personally experienced online harassment, and 25% have experienced more severe harassment. The majority of younger adults have encountered harassment online.

Are social media posts harassment?

Harassment is generally defined as a repeated pattern of behavior intended to scare, harm, anger, or shame a targeted individual. Online harassment means these actions occur using digital technologies such as social media platforms, email or messaging services, gaming platforms, or cell phone communication.

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