Watch: Powerful jet blast caught on camera

Power Jet Blast Caught on Camera

Have you ever wondered how powerful a jet engine is? If you have, you might want to watch this viral video that shows the incredible force of a jet blast that can knock people off their feet.

The video, shared by a Twitter user named Callum Hodgson, shows a group of people standing near a fence at Skiathos Airport in Greece, where planes take off and land very close to the public road. The people are seen filming and photographing a jet plane as it prepares to take off, apparently unaware of the danger of standing behind the engines.

As the plane accelerates and lifts off, a huge gust of wind hits the spectators, sending some of them tumbling to the ground and others struggling to stay upright. The video has been viewed over 2 million times and has received thousands of comments and reactions.

What is Jet Blast?

According to Wikipedia, jet blast is the phenomenon of rapid air movement produced by the jet engines of aircraft, particularly on or before takeoff. A large jet-engined aircraft can produce winds of up to 100 knots (190 km/h; 120 mph) as far away as 60 metres (200 ft) behind it at 40% maximum rated power.

Jet blast can be a hazard to people or other unsecured objects behind the aircraft, and is capable of flattening buildings and destroying vehicles. Despite the power and potentially destructive nature of jet blast, there are relatively few jet blast incidents.

According to the Aviation File, a blog dedicated to all things aviation, jet blast is the effect created by the thrust force that comes out of the back of the engines of jet-powered aircraft. The effect may vary depending on the type of aircraft and the conditions or environment (runway length, departure procedure, etc.). The jet blast effect may increase, especially for heavy-caliber aircraft and high-performance takeoff situations.

How to Avoid Jet Blast?

Jet blast can be avoided by staying away from the rear end of aircraft engines, especially during takeoff and landing. Some airports have installed jet blast deflectors in areas where roads or people may be in the path of the jet blast on take off. These are devices that redirect the airflow from the engines upwards or sideways to reduce the impact on the ground.

If you are visiting an airport where planes fly very low over your head, such as Maho Beach in Saint Maarten or Skiathos Airport in Greece, you should exercise caution and follow the safety signs and warnings. Do not stand behind the engines or try to touch the planes as they pass by. You might end up getting injured or worse by the powerful jet blast.

Jet blast is an amazing phenomenon that demonstrates the incredible power of aviation technology. However, it can also be very dangerous if not respected. So, next time you see a jet plane taking off, admire it from a safe distance and enjoy the spectacle without risking your life.


(1) Jet blast - Wikipedia.
(2) Ever Imagined How Powerful Jet Blast Is? Watch This Viral Video -
(3) VIDEO: Jet blast's ginormous power sends onlookers nearly flying.


How hot is jet blast?

An idling airplane can produce a compact version of a Category 3 hurricane, introducing an engine wake approaching 120 mi/h (104 kn or 192 km/h) with temperatures of 100°F (38°C).

What is the power of jet blast?

A large jet-engined aircraft can produce winds of up to 100 knots (190 km/h; 120 mph) as far away as 60 metres (200 ft) behind it at 40% maximum rated power. Jet blast can be a hazard to people or other unsecured objects behind the aircraft, and is capable of flattening buildings and destroying vehicles.

What distance is safe to avoid jet blast?

The recommended safety distance is 10m away from the front and sides of any engine.

How fast is a jet blast?

State-of-the-art in airliner engines means jet blast velocities exceeding 200 MPH out to a couple hundred feet at takeoff. Even idle thrust can produce velocities of up to 50 MPH out to 100 feet for some aircraft. Business jets pose a potential jet blast hazard as well.

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