Education Scam Uncovered in India: Fake Certificates Used for Admission and Lower Fees, Hindering Deserving Students' Opportunities

Education Scam Uncovered in India: Fake Certificates Used for Admission and Lower Fees, Hindering Deserving Students' Opportunities

Education is one of the most important assets for any individual, especially in a developing country like India. However, not everyone has access to quality education or can afford the high fees of reputed institutions. This creates a huge demand for fake certificates or degrees that can help people get admission, jobs or other benefits without actually studying or passing the exams.

Fake certificates or degrees are documents that are forged or fabricated to look like they are issued by a genuine educational institution or board. They may contain false information such as name, date of birth, marks, grades, course, duration, etc. They may also have fake signatures or seals of the authorities or the institutions.

Fake certificates or degrees are not only illegal but also unethical and harmful for the society. They can be used for various purposes such as:

- Getting admission in a higher level of education without meeting the eligibility criteria or clearing the entrance tests.
- Getting scholarships, fee waivers or other financial aid based on false merit or economic status.
- Getting jobs or promotions in public or private sector without having the required skills or qualifications.
- Getting visas or immigration benefits based on false educational credentials.
- Getting recognition or awards based on false achievements or accomplishments.

Fake certificates or degrees can also have serious consequences for the individuals who use them as well as for the institutions that issue them. They can face legal action, penalties, fines, imprisonment, cancellation of admission, termination of employment, loss of reputation, etc. They can also jeopardize the quality and credibility of education in India and affect the opportunities and prospects of deserving students who work hard and study sincerely.

In recent years, several cases of fake certificates or degrees have been exposed in India, revealing the extent and magnitude of this scam. Some of the examples are:

- In May 2022, Hyderabad city police seized 101 fake certificates from various universities across India. The certificates were issued to candidates who never enrolled, attended classes or appeared for exams. The certificates had genuine signatures and seals of the authorities but no record of the students in the universities. The police also found huge financial transactions involved in the process.
- In February 2021, Manav Bharti University (MBU) of Solan in Himachal Pradesh was found to have issued over 36,000 fake degrees to students across 17 states since 2009. The university was run by a charitable trust whose chairman and his family members were accused of earning profits worth Rs 387 crores from the scam. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) attached assets worth Rs 194.17 crores from them in a money-laundering case.
- In September 2020, India Today reported that many students were using fake certificates to get admission in foreign universities or colleges. The report cited examples of students who used fake marksheets, transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc. to get admission in countries like Canada, Australia, UK, USA, etc. The report also mentioned that some agents were offering such services for a fee ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakhs.
- In November 2019, AuthBridge, a background verification company, published a report that revealed that 51% of the education discrepancies found in India were related to fake certificates or degrees. The report also stated that Maharashtra had the highest number of such cases followed by Tamil Nadu and Delhi.

These are just some of the instances of fake certificates or degrees scam in India. There may be many more that are yet to be discovered or reported. This scam not only affects the individuals who use them but also the institutions that issue them and the society at large. It undermines the value and integrity of education in India and hinders the opportunities and growth of deserving students who aspire for higher education and better careers.

Therefore, it is imperative that both students and employers take steps to spot and eliminate fake certificates or degrees from their systems. Some of the possible measures are:

- Students should avoid falling prey to agents or websites that offer fake certificates or degrees for money. They should verify the authenticity and accreditation of the institutions they want to join or apply for.
- Students should also check their own documents carefully before submitting them for admission or other purposes. They should ensure that they have all the original copies and that they match with their online records.
- Employers should conduct thorough background checks on their employees or candidates before hiring or promoting them. They should verify their educational qualifications from the source institutions or boards directly or through reliable third-party agencies.
- Employers should also educate their employees about the risks and consequences of using fake certificates or degrees. They should create a culture of honesty and transparency in their organizations and encourage whistleblowing or reporting of any suspicious or fraudulent activities.

Fake certificates or degrees scam is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently and effectively. It is not only a matter of law and order but also of ethics and morality. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the education system to ensure that it is free from corruption and malpractice and that it serves the best interests of the students and the society.


(4) Fake Certificates: How to Verify Fake Degree Certificates for Employee ....

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