Ex-Google HR reveals how to make your job application stronger, shares tips for getting noticed faster

Google is one of the most sought-after employers in the world, with millions of applications every year. But how do you stand out from the crowd and land your dream job at Google? In this article, we will share some insights and tips from a former Google HR manager, who has reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of candidates.

Tip 1: Tailor your resume to the role and the company

One of the biggest mistakes that applicants make is sending a generic resume that does not highlight their relevant skills and achievements for the specific role and company they are applying to. Google looks for candidates who can demonstrate their fit for the culture, values, and mission of the company, as well as their ability to perform the tasks and responsibilities of the role.

To tailor your resume, you should:

- Research the role and the company thoroughly. Read the job description carefully, visit the company website, follow their social media accounts, and learn about their products, services, goals, and challenges.
- Use keywords and phrases that match the role and the company. For example, if you are applying for a software engineer position at Google, you should use terms like "Python", "machine learning", "cloud computing", "scalable systems", etc.
- Highlight your achievements and impact, not just your duties and responsibilities. Use numbers, metrics, and outcomes to quantify your results and show how you added value to your previous employers or projects. For example, instead of saying "Developed web applications using Django framework", you could say "Developed web applications using Django framework that increased user engagement by 50% and reduced loading time by 30%".
- Use a clear and concise format that is easy to read and scan. Use bullet points, headings, subheadings, and white space to organize your information and make it stand out. Avoid using fancy fonts, colors, graphics, or photos that may distract from your content or make it hard to read.

Tip 2: Write a compelling cover letter that tells your story

A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the hiring manager and explain why you are interested in working at Google and why you are a great fit for the role. A cover letter should not be a repetition of your resume, but rather a complement that showcases your personality, motivation, and passion.

To write a compelling cover letter, you should:

- Address it to a specific person, if possible. Find out who the hiring manager is or who will be reviewing your application. You can use LinkedIn, Google search, or other sources to find their name and contact information. If you cannot find a specific person, you can use a generic salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "To Whom It May Concern".
- Start with a catchy opening paragraph that grabs the reader's attention and summarizes your main points. Explain who you are, what position you are applying for, how you found out about it, and why you are interested in working at Google.
- Use the second paragraph to highlight your relevant skills and achievements for the role. Use specific examples from your resume or portfolio to demonstrate how you have used or developed those skills in previous or current roles or projects. Show how you can solve problems, create value, or contribute to the goals of Google.
- Use the third paragraph to show your fit for the company culture and values. Explain why you admire Google as an employer and what aspects of their culture appeal to you. You can mention their mission statement, vision statement, core values, products, services, initiatives, awards, or anything else that resonates with you.
- End with a strong closing paragraph that reiterates your interest and enthusiasm for the role and the company. Thank them for their time and consideration and express your desire to hear from them soon. Include a call to action that invites them to contact you for further discussion or an interview.

Tip 3: Prepare well for the phone screenings and on-site interviews

If your resume and cover letter pass the initial screening, you will be invited to one or more phone screenings with a recruiter or a hiring manager. The phone screenings are usually 30 minutes long and focus on assessing your general fit for the role and the company. You will be asked about your background, skills, experience, motivation, goals, expectations, etc.

To prepare well for the phone screenings, you should:

- Review your resume and cover letter before the call. Make sure you can explain everything on them clearly and confidently. Have some copies handy in case you need to refer to them during the call.
- Research the role and the company again. Refresh your memory on the job description, the company website, the products, services, goals, challenges etc. Be ready to answer questions like "Why do you want to work at Google?", "What do you know about Google?", "What are some of Google's products that you use or like?", etc.
- Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer. Asking questions shows your interest and curiosity about the role and the company. You can ask about the expectations, responsibilities, challenges, opportunities, culture, team, feedback, etc. of the role or the company. Avoid asking questions that are too personal, too generic, or too obvious.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to take the call. Make sure you have a good phone connection, a reliable internet connection, a charged battery, and a pen and paper to take notes. Avoid any distractions or interruptions during the call. Dress professionally and smile as if you were meeting the interviewer in person.

If you pass the phone screenings, you will be invited to an on-site interview at one of Google's offices. The on-site interview consists of four to five rounds of interviews with different people from the team or the department you are applying to. Each interview lasts about 45 minutes and covers different aspects of your skills and fit for the role and the company.

To prepare well for the on-site interviews, you should:

- Review your resume and cover letter again. Make sure you can elaborate on your skills and achievements with more details and examples. Have some copies ready to hand out to the interviewers if needed.
- Research the role and the company again. Learn more about the specific team or department you are applying to, their projects, goals, challenges, etc. Be ready to answer questions like "What are some of the current trends or issues in your field?", "How do you approach a new project or problem?", "How do you collaborate with others?", etc.
- Prepare some questions to ask the interviewers. Asking questions shows your interest and curiosity about the role and the company. You can ask about their experience working at Google, their current projects, their expectations from you, their feedback for you, etc. Avoid asking questions that are too personal, too generic, or too obvious.
- Practice your technical skills and problem-solving skills. Depending on the role you are applying for, you may be asked to solve some technical problems or case studies


Does Google have an HR department?

Our People Operations team (known elsewhere as HR) and administrative staff are the curious and creative colleagues that anchor us to our foundations and help us shoot for the moon. The People Operations team is dedicated to staffing, development, and a distinct and inclusive culture.

क्या गूगल का एचआर डिपार्टमेंट है?

हमारी पीपल ऑपरेशंस टीम (अन्यत्र एचआर के रूप में जानी जाती है) और प्रशासनिक कर्मचारी जिज्ञासु और रचनात्मक सहयोगी हैं जो हमें हमारी नींव से जोड़ते हैं और चंद्रमा की खोज में हमारी मदद करते हैं। पीपल ऑपरेशंस टीम स्टाफिंग, विकास और एक विशिष्ट और समावेशी संस्कृति के लिए समर्पित है।

What is the salary of HR in Google?

Average Google HR Manager salary in India is ₹ 23.5 Lakhs for experience between 2 years to 8 years. HR Manager salary at Google India ranges between ₹ 4.8 Lakhs to ₹ 75.0 Lakhs. According to our estimates it is 260% more than the average HR Manager Salary in Internet Companies.

What is the salary of HR fresher in Google?

Average Google HR Executive salary in India is ₹ 17.7 Lakhs for less than 1 year of experience to 3 years. HR Executive salary at Google India ranges between ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 60.0 Lakhs. According to our estimates it is 512% more than the average HR Executive Salary in Internet Companies.

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