Scientists Discover Mysterious Light Blinking Every 20 Minutes In Space

Have you ever wondered what causes some stars to flash in the night sky? Some of these objects are called pulsars, which are rapidly spinning neutron stars that emit beams of radio waves like lighthouses. Others are magnetars, which are neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields that produce bursts of X-rays. And then there are white dwarfs, which are the remnants of dead stars that have collapsed under their own gravity. But what if there is another kind of pulsating object that we have never seen before? That is exactly what scientists have discovered recently: a mysterious light blinking every 20 minutes in space.

The mysterious object, named GPM J1839–10, was first detected by astronomers using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in Western Australia in June 2022. They observed that it emitted a radio pulse every 21 minutes for three nights in a row. They then searched for archival data from other telescopes and found out that it had been doing the same thing since at least 1988. The object is located about 3,000 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Sagittarius.

The object is very different from any other known type of pulsating object in space. For one thing, it is much slower than any pulsar or magnetar. Pulsars typically spin once every few milliseconds to a minute, while magnetars spin once every few seconds to minutes. The object also does not seem to produce any X-rays or gamma rays, unlike magnetars, which are known for their violent outbursts of high-energy radiation. Moreover, the object is much brighter than any white dwarf, which are usually faint and hard to detect in radio waves.

So what could it be? Scientists have proposed several hypotheses to explain the nature and origin of the mysterious object. One possibility is that it is a rare type of magnetar that has a very long rotation period and a very weak magnetic field¹. This could explain why it does not emit X-rays or gamma rays, but only radio waves. However, this hypothesis does not account for why it has been pulsing for so long without any change or interruption.

Another possibility is that it is a magnetized white dwarf that has somehow managed to generate radio jets at its poles. This could explain why it has a long rotation period and a bright radio emission. However, this hypothesis is also very speculative, as no white dwarf has ever been observed to produce radio jets before.

A third possibility is that it is something entirely new that we have never encountered before. It could be a new type of stellar object that has unique physical properties and mechanisms that we do not understand yet. It could also be a sign of some exotic phenomenon or process that is happening in the space around it. For example, it could be related to dark matter, gravitational waves, or extraterrestrial intelligence.


In conclusion, scientists have discovered a mysterious light blinking every 20 minutes in space that does not fit any known category of pulsating objects. The object has been emitting radio pulses since at least 1988 with no sign of stopping or changing. It is much slower, brighter, and quieter than any pulsar, magnetar, or white dwarf. Scientists have proposed several hypotheses to explain its origin and nature, but none of them are conclusive or satisfactory. The object remains a mystery that challenges our understanding of the universe and its wonders. Therefore, more observations and investigations are needed to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic object. Who knows what surprises and discoveries await us in the depths of space?


(1) Scientists Discover Mysterious Light Blinking Every 20 Minutes In Space.

(2) Something in our galaxy is flashing every 20 minutes—but what?.

(3) A mysterious light has been blinking in space every 21 minutes for 35 years; astronomers clueless.

(4) Mysterious Light Blinks in Space Every 21 Minutes: What Is It?.

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