US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's controversial visit to PoK sponsored by Pakistan

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Somali American who belongs to President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party, is the first naturalised citizen of African birth to sit in the US Congress. She is also a member of the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation. She is known for her outspoken views on various global issues, such as human rights, immigration, foreign policy, and Islamophobia. However, she has also been criticised for her anti-India stance and her alleged bias towards Pakistan.

In April 2022, Omar made a rare visit by a US lawmaker to Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), a disputed territory that India claims as its integral part. The visit was sponsored by the Pakistani government, as revealed by the annual House financial disclosure report. During her visit, Omar met with then-Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar, and opposition leader Imran Khan. She also toured PoK with regional authorities and expressed her support for the Kashmiri people's right to self-determination.

The visit sparked controversy and condemnation from India, which accused Omar of violating its territorial integrity and sovereignty. India also questioned the motive and agenda behind Omar's visit, which coincided with the escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan over cross-border terrorism and ceasefire violations. India also expressed its concern over the influence of Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies on Omar's visit and her subsequent statements.

## The Disclosure
According to the US protocol, if a citizen holds a public office or happens to be a people’s representative at the seat of power then he/she is bound by law to make a disclosure of foreign trips undertaken during that period in office. The disclosure includes making public who has sponsored foreign trips undertaken by the people’s representative.

The annual House financial disclosure report for 2022 was released on August 18, 2023. The report showed that Omar's visit to Pakistan and PoK from April 18 to April 24, 2022 was funded by the Pakistani government. The disclosure stated that the Pakistani government paid for Omar's lodging and food during her stay in the country. The disclosure did not mention the exact amount or the purpose of the sponsorship.

The disclosure raised questions about Omar's objectivity and credibility as a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation. It also exposed her close ties with the Pakistani establishment and lobby groups in the US. It also suggested that Omar's visit was part of a larger strategy by Pakistan to influence US policy and public opinion on Kashmir and other regional issues.

The Visit
Omar's visit to Pakistan and PoK was unprecedented and controversial for several reasons. First, it was rare for a US lawmaker to visit PoK, which is considered by India as its illegally occupied territory. Second, it was unusual for a US lawmaker to accept sponsorship from a foreign government for such a sensitive trip. Third, it was unclear what was the official purpose and agenda of Omar's visit, as she did not seek any prior approval or consultation from the US State Department or the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Omar arrived in Islamabad on April 18, 2022 and was received by Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua. She then met with then-Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar. According to Pakistani media reports, Omar discussed various issues with them, such as Kashmir, Afghanistan, counter-terrorism, trade, and regional stability. She also praised Pakistan's role in facilitating peace talks between the US and the Taliban.

On April 20, 2022, Omar flew to Muzaffarabad, the capital of PoK, where she was welcomed by PoK President Masood Khan and Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider. She visited various places in PoK, such as Neelum Valley, LoC (Line of Control), refugee camps, schools, hospitals, and cultural centres. She interacted with local people and expressed her solidarity with their struggle for freedom and justice. She also criticised India for its alleged human rights violations and repression in Jammu and Kashmir.

On April 22, 2022, Omar returned to Islamabad and met with opposition leader Imran Khan, who later became the Prime Minister of Pakistan in August 2022. She also met with civil society activists, journalists, academics, and religious leaders. She addressed a press conference at the National Press Club and reiterated her support for the Kashmiri people's right to self-determination. She also called for more attention from the US and the international community on the Kashmir issue.

On April 24, 2022, Omar departed from Pakistan after concluding her six-day visit.

The Reaction
Omar's visit to Pakistan and PoK provoked a strong reaction from India, which denounced it as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. India also accused Omar of being biased and misinformed about the ground realities in Kashmir and the region.

On April 21, 2022, India's Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) issued a statement expressing its displeasure and concern over Omar's visit to PoK. The statement said, "We have seen reports of US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's visit to Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. We view this visit as a blatant disregard for India's sovereignty and territorial integrity. PoK is an integral part of India and any such visit is in violation of India's consistent position on the issue. We also question the motive and agenda behind this visit, which seems to be orchestrated by the Pakistani government and its agencies to influence US policy and public opinion on Kashmir and other regional matters. We urge the US government and the House Foreign Affairs Committee to take cognisance of this matter and ensure that such visits do not recur in the future."

On April 23, 2022, India's MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi held a media briefing and reiterated India's position on Omar's visit. He said, "We have already conveyed our strong objection and concern over the visit of US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to Pakistan and PoK. We have also made it clear that PoK is an integral part of India and any such visit is unacceptable and condemnable. We have also noted with dismay that Omar has made several unfounded and baseless allegations against India and its democratic institutions. She has also shown a complete lack of understanding and appreciation of the historical, legal, and factual aspects of the Kashmir issue. She has also ignored the cross-border terrorism and violence perpetrated by Pakistan and its proxies in Jammu and Kashmir. We hope that Omar will realise her mistake and refrain from making such irresponsible statements in the future."

Omar's visit also received mixed reactions from the US media, policy circles, and public. Some praised her for her courage and compassion for the Kashmiri people, while others criticised her for her naivety and prejudice towards India. Some also questioned her credibility and ethics for accepting sponsorship from a foreign government for such a controversial trip.

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's controversial visit to Pakistan and PoK in 2022 was sponsored by the Pakistani government, as revealed by the annual House financial disclosure report. The visit was unprecedented and unusual for a US lawmaker, as it involved visiting a disputed territory claimed by India as its integral part. The visit also coincided with the escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan over cross-border terrorism and ceasefire violations.

The visit sparked controversy and condemnation from India, which accused Omar of violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity. India also questioned the motive and agenda behind Omar's visit, which seemed to be influenced by Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies. India also expressed its concern over Omar's anti-India stance and statements on various issues, such as Kashmir, human rights, democracy, and religious freedom.

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