Could India change its name to Bharat? G20 invitation fuels rumours

Bharat G20 invitation fuels rumours India may change name

India, the world's largest democracy and second most populous country, is hosting the G20 summit this weekend in New Delhi. However, the event has sparked a controversy over the possible name change of the country from India to Bharat.

The speculation began when world leaders received an invitation to a state dinner hosted by the "president of Bharat". Bharat is one of the two official names of India under its constitution, along with India. It is derived from ancient Sanskrit scriptures and means India in Hindi, the most widely spoken language in the country.

The name India, on the other hand, has its origins in western antiquity and was imposed by the British colonial rulers. The British ruled India from 1858 until 1947, when India gained its independence after a long and bloody struggle.

The current government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who belongs to the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has been working to remove the symbols of British rule from India's urban landscape, political institutions and history books. Modi himself often refers to India as Bharat in his public speeches and has stressed the need for India to abandon the traces of a "colonial mindset".

Some BJP leaders and supporters have also campaigned against using the name India, claiming that it is a symbol of oppression and slavery. They have argued that Bharat reflects the country's ancient and diverse culture and identity.

However, not everyone is in favour of changing the name of the country. Some opposition parties and critics have called the move foolish and unnecessary. They have pointed out that India has an incalculable brand value built up over centuries and is recognised around the world. They have also warned that changing the name could create confusion and resentment among the people.

The government has not officially confirmed or denied the rumours of a name change. It has called a special session of parliament later this month, but has not revealed its agenda. Some media reports have suggested that BJP lawmakers will put forward a resolution to give precedence to the name Bharat over India.

The debate over the name of the country has also generated a lot of interest and discussion on social media platforms. Some users have welcomed the prospect of a name change and expressed their pride in Bharat. Others have opposed the idea and defended their attachment to India. Some have also joked about the possible consequences of changing the name, such as updating passports, currency notes and cricket jerseys.

The G20 summit, which will bring together leaders from 19 countries and the European Union to discuss global issues such as climate change, trade and health, is expected to be overshadowed by the name controversy. It remains to be seen whether Modi will address the issue in his opening speech or whether he will avoid it altogether.

What do you think about changing the name of India to Bharat? Do you support or oppose it? Share your views in the comments section below.

(2) India 'Bharat' name change: G20 invite sparks speculation | Washington ....
(3) Bharat G20 invitation fuels rumours India may change name.
(4) Rumour that India could change its name to Bharat over G20 invitation.

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