India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

India has announced a temporary suspension of visa services for Canadian citizens amid a diplomatic row over the killing of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada. The move comes after Canada said it was investigating whether India was involved in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen who was designated as a terrorist by India in 2020. India has denied any role in the killing and accused Canada of harbouring Khalistani extremists who seek a separate homeland for Sikhs in India.

What is the background of the dispute?

The relations between India and Canada have been strained for months over the issue of Khalistan, a proposed Sikh state that would comprise parts of India and Pakistan. The Khalistan movement peaked in India in the 1980s with a violent insurgency that was crushed by the Indian security forces. The movement has little support in India now, but is still active among some Sikhs in the diaspora, especially in Canada, which has the largest Sikh population outside India.

Canada has been accused by India of being soft on the Khalistani activists and allowing them to hold rallies and events that glorify the separatist cause and denounce the Indian government. India has also expressed concern over the safety of its diplomats and citizens in Canada, who have faced threats and attacks from some radical elements. In June, India lodged a formal complaint with Canada over the security situation and demanded action against the perpetrators.

What triggered the latest escalation?

The latest escalation was triggered by the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent Khalistani leader who was shot dead by two masked gunmen outside a Sikh temple in British Columbia on 18 June. Nijjar was the chief of the Khalistan Tiger Force, a banned militant group that was responsible for several attacks in India in the past. He was also wanted by India for his alleged involvement in a 2007 bombing that killed six people in Punjab.

India had requested Canada to extradite Nijjar in 2016, but Canada had refused to do so, citing insufficient evidence and human rights concerns. India had also put Nijjar on its list of most wanted terrorists in 2020 and accused him of running a terror camp in Canada to train and recruit Khalistani militants.

On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that his government was investigating whether "agents of the government of India" were involved in the killing of Nijjar. He said that any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil was an unacceptable violation of Canada's sovereignty. He also said that Canada would continue to support the right of peaceful protest and expression for all communities, including Sikhs.

India reacted strongly to Trudeau's statement, calling it "absurd" and "baseless". India said that Canada was trying to "shift the focus from Khalistani terrorists and extremists" who had been given shelter and support by Canada. India also said that Canada was interfering in its internal affairs and violating the principle of non-interference in bilateral relations.

What are the implications of the visa suspension?

India's decision to suspend visa services for Canadian citizens is a rare and drastic step that reflects the depth of the crisis in the bilateral ties. The suspension affects all categories of visas, including tourist, business, student, and work visas. However, India clarified that those who have valid visas and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) cards can travel freely.

The visa suspension will have a significant impact on the people-to-people contacts and exchanges between the two countries, which have historic and cultural ties. Canada has 1.4 million people of Indian origin, most of them Sikhs, who make up 3.7% of the country's population. India also sends the highest number of international students to Canada - in 2022, they made up 40% of the total overseas students at 320,000. According to Indian government statistics, about 80,000 Canadian tourists visited India in 2021, behind only the US, Bangladesh and UK.

The visa suspension will also affect the trade and investment relations between the two countries, which have been growing steadily in recent years. According to the Canadian government, the bilateral trade between India and Canada was worth $9.6 billion in 2020, up from $8.4 billion in 2019. The two countries have also been negotiating a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) since 2010, which aims to boost the trade and investment flows. The visa suspension may hamper the progress of the negotiations and create uncertainty for the businesses and investors.

How can the row be resolved?

The row between India and Canada is a serious challenge for the diplomatic relations between the two countries, which are both key partners and allies of the US and share common interests and values on various regional and global issues. The row also risks alienating the Sikh community in both countries, which has a significant role and influence in the political and social spheres.

The row can be resolved only through dialogue and mutual respect, and by addressing the core issues that have caused the mistrust and resentment. Both sides need to refrain from making provocative statements and accusations that can further inflame the situation. Both sides also need to cooperate on the investigation of the killing of Nijjar and bring the culprits to justice. Both sides also need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other and avoid any interference in the internal affairs of each other.

Both sides also need to recognize the diversity and pluralism of their societies and the aspirations and grievances of their people. Both sides need to uphold the human rights and democratic freedoms of all communities, including Sikhs, and ensure their safety and security. Both sides also need to foster a culture of dialogue and engagement among the civil society, media, academia, and youth of both countries, and promote a better understanding and appreciation of each other's perspectives and concerns.

Both sides also need to work together to enhance the bilateral cooperation and partnership on various areas of mutual interest and benefit, such as trade, investment, education, energy, climate change, counter-terrorism, and regional stability. Both sides need to realize the potential and opportunities of their relationship and the common challenges and threats they face in the changing world order. Both sides need to build trust and confidence and restore the warmth and friendship that have characterized their ties for decades.


(1) India-Canada row escalates; New Delhi temporarily suspends issuance of visas to Canadian citizens.
(2) India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates - BBC.
(3) India Pauses Visa Services in Canada Due to 'Security Threat' As Diplomatic Row Escalates.
(4) India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates - BBC.

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