Xi Snubs G20 Summit in India: How Biden Reacts and What It Signals for the Future of Global Cooperation

‘Disappointed…’: Biden on reports of China's Xi skipping G20 Summit in India

The G20 summit, scheduled to take place in New Delhi this week, was supposed to be an opportunity for the leaders of the world's major economies to discuss and cooperate on global issues such as climate change, trade, and pandemic recovery. However, one of the most anticipated meetings at the summit may not happen, as reports suggest that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the event.

US President Joe Biden, who was looking forward to meeting Xi in person for the first time since taking office, expressed his disappointment at the news. “I am disappointed, but I am going to get to see him,” Biden told reporters in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on Sunday. Biden did not specify when or where he might meet Xi next, but hinted that they could have a chance to talk in November, when the US hosts the APEC conference in San Francisco.

The decision by Xi to skip the G20 summit comes amid rising tensions between China and India, as well as between China and the US. China and India have been locked in a border standoff since last year, which has resulted in deadly clashes and military buildups on both sides. China and the US, meanwhile, have been at odds over a range of issues, from Taiwan and human rights to trade and technology. The two leaders have not met face-to-face since 2019, when they held talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Some analysts believe that Xi's absence from the G20 summit reflects his reluctance to engage with Biden and other Western leaders, who have been increasingly critical of China's policies and actions. “Xi is sending a signal that he is not interested in dialogue or compromise with the US and its allies,” said Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. “He is confident that China can weather any pressure or sanctions that the US might impose.”

Others suggest that Xi may have domestic reasons for staying away from the summit, such as preparing for the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China next year, which will decide his political future. “Xi may want to avoid any potential risks or distractions that could undermine his authority or agenda at home,” said Yun Sun, director of the China Program at the Stimson Center. “He may also want to avoid any negative publicity or criticism that could arise from his participation in the summit.”

Whatever the reasons behind Xi's decision, his absence from the G20 summit is likely to have implications for the global order and stability. Without direct communication and cooperation between the leaders of the two largest economies and rivals, the prospects for resolving or managing their differences and challenges are dim. The G20 summit, which was meant to showcase India's role as a rising power and a bridge between the East and the West, may end up highlighting the deepening rifts and uncertainties in the international system.

(2) Joe Biden “disappointed” on reports of Xi skipping G20 summit in India. https://theprint.in/world/joe-biden-disappointed-on-reports-of-xi-skipping-g20-summit-in-india/1745240/.
(3) Biden “disappointed” as Xi Jinping’s absence from G20 summit in India. https://www.newsx.com/biden-disappointed-xi-jinpings-absence-g20-summit-india/.
(4) "Disappointed, But...": Biden On Reports That Xi May Skip India G20 Summit. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/disappointed-but-biden-on-reports-that-xi-may-skip-india-g20-summit-4356895.
(5) Joe Biden “disappointed” on reports of Xi skipping G20 summit in India .... https://www.lokmattimes.com/international/joe-biden-disappointed-on-reports-of-xi-skipping-g20-summit-in-india/.

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