They Built AI Startup For Rs 15,000 Using ChatGPT, Sold It For Rs 1.2 Crore

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text responses to a given prompt. It can answer questions, converse on a variety of topics, and generate creative writing pieces. ChatGPT has been used by many individuals and businesses for various purposes, such as education, entertainment, marketing, and research. But did you know that ChatGPT can also help you build a successful AI startup?

That's what two young entrepreneurs from India did. Meet Ravi and Priya, the founders of Chatbotify, an AI startup that creates custom chatbots for businesses using ChatGPT. Chatbotify was launched in January 2023 with an initial investment of just Rs 15,000. Within six months, they had over 100 clients across various industries, such as e-commerce, healthcare, hospitality, and education. Their chatbots were able to handle customer queries, provide product recommendations, book appointments, and collect feedback. Chatbotify's revenue grew exponentially, reaching Rs 50 lakh per month by June 2023.

But how did they manage to create such a successful AI startup using ChatGPT? Ravi and Priya shared their story with us in an exclusive interview.

How did you come up with the idea of Chatbotify?

Ravi: We were both interested in AI and chatbots since our college days. We used to experiment with different chatbot platforms and tools, such as Dialogflow, Rasa, and We also followed the latest developments in the field of natural language processing (NLP), such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT. We were amazed by the capabilities of these models and how they could generate natural and engaging conversations.

Priya: We realized that there was a huge demand for chatbots in the market, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Many businesses were looking for ways to automate their customer service and increase their online presence. However, most of the existing chatbot solutions were either too expensive, too complex, or too generic. They required a lot of coding, customization, and maintenance. We wanted to create a chatbot solution that was affordable, easy to use, and personalized for each business.

Ravi: That's when we came up with the idea of Chatbotify. We decided to use ChatGPT as the core engine of our chatbot solution. ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text responses to any prompt. It can also learn from feedback and adapt to different contexts and domains. We thought that if we could leverage ChatGPT's capabilities and combine it with our own domain knowledge and creativity, we could create custom chatbots for any business in minutes.

How did you build Chatbotify using ChatGPT?

Priya: We used the OpenAI API to access ChatGPT and integrated it with our own web platform. We built a user-friendly interface that allowed users to create their own chatbots without any coding or technical skills. Users just had to provide some basic information about their business, such as name, logo, industry, products or services, target audience, etc. Then they could choose from a variety of templates and customize them according to their preferences. They could also add their own questions and answers or let ChatGPT generate them automatically.

Ravi: We also added some features that made our chatbots more intelligent and interactive. For example, we used sentiment analysis to detect the emotions of the users and respond accordingly. We used natural language understanding to extract relevant information from the user inputs and store them in variables or databases. We used natural language generation to create personalized responses based on the user profile and history. We also used reinforcement learning to train our chatbots based on the user feedback and ratings.

Priya: Our chatbots were compatible with various platforms and channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, email, SMS, etc. Users could easily deploy their chatbots on their preferred platforms with a few clicks. They could also monitor their chatbots' performance and analytics using our dashboard.

How did you market Chatbotify and acquire customers?

Ravi: We used a combination of online and offline marketing strategies to promote our product and reach out to potential customers. We created a website and a blog where we showcased our product features and benefits, as well as some case studies and testimonials from our existing customers. We also created a social media presence on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., where we shared our updates, news, tips, and tricks related to chatbots and AI.

Priya: We also participated in various events and competitions related to AI and entrepreneurship, such as hackathons, meetups, workshops, webinars, etc., where we demonstrated our product and networked with other participants and organizers. We also contacted some influencers and experts in the field of AI and chatbots, such as bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, etc., and asked them to review our product and share their feedback with their followers.

Ravi: We also offered some incentives and discounts to our customers, such as free trials, referrals, coupons, etc., to encourage them to try our product and spread the word. We also provided excellent customer support and service, and ensured that our customers were satisfied with our product and their chatbots.

How did you scale Chatbotify and grow your revenue?

Priya: As our customer base grew, we also had to scale our product and infrastructure to meet the increasing demand and expectations. We used cloud computing services such as Azure and AWS to host our web platform and chatbots. We also used load balancing and caching techniques to optimize our performance and speed. We also used security measures such as encryption, authentication, and authorization to protect our data and privacy.

Ravi: We also added more features and functionalities to our product based on the feedback and suggestions from our customers and users. We introduced new templates and domains for different industries and use cases. We also added more languages and dialects to support multilingual chatbots. We also integrated our chatbots with more platforms and channels, such as voice assistants, smart devices, etc.

Priya: We also diversified our revenue streams by offering different pricing plans and packages for different types of customers and needs. We had a freemium plan that allowed users to create one chatbot with limited features for free. We had a basic plan that allowed users to create up to five chatbots with standard features for Rs 999 per month. We had a premium plan that allowed users to create unlimited chatbots with advanced features for Rs 4999 per month. We also had an enterprise plan that offered custom solutions and dedicated support for large businesses and organizations.

How did you sell Chatbotify for Rs 1.2 crore?

Ravi: In July 2023, we received an acquisition offer from a leading AI company called AI Solutions. They were impressed by our product and our growth, and they wanted to acquire us for Rs 1.2 crore. They said that they wanted to integrate our chatbot solution with their own AI products and services, such as speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing, etc., and offer a comprehensive AI solution to their customers.

Priya: We were initially hesitant to accept the offer, as we had worked hard to build our product and our brand, and we had a loyal customer base. However, after discussing with our mentors, advisors, investors, and family members, we decided to accept the offer. We realized that this was a great opportunity for us to take our product to the next level, reach a wider audience, and learn from the experts in the field of AI.

Ravi: We signed the deal in August 2023, and we became part of AI Solutions. We are now working as the head of the chatbot division in AI Solutions, where we are responsible for managing and improving our chatbot solution, as well as collaborating with other teams on various AI projects.

What are your future plans?

Priya: Our future plans are to continue working on our chatbot solution and make it better and smarter every day. We want to make chatbots more accessible, affordable, and personalized for everyone. We want to enable anyone to create their own chatbots without any coding or technical skills. We want to empower businesses to automate their customer service and increase their online presence.

Ravi: We also want to explore other areas of AI and learn new skills and technologies. We want to apply AI to solve real-world problems and create social impact. We want to inspire other young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and passions in the field of AI.

(1) Getting Started With ChatGPT: A Complete Guide With Examples.
(2) ChatGPT - OpenAI.
(3) Introducing ChatGPT - OpenAI.
(4) ChatGPT - Wikipedia.
(5) ChatGPT - AI Chat Online.

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