7 Tips for Becoming More Mentally Focused and Productive

Why Good Surrounding is So Important 

Have you ever wondered how your surroundings affect your mental health and motivation? 

Your environment plays a vital role in shaping your mood, energy, focus and happiness. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why good surrounding is so important and how you can improve your environment to boost your wellbeing.

 ##How Your Surrounding Affects You:-
Your surrounding is not just the physical space you live or work in. It also includes the people, objects, sounds, smells and sights that you encounter every day. All these factors can have a positive or negative impact on your mental health and motivation. According to the article, “What Impact Does the Environment Have on Us?,” from the University of Minnesota, “Since the earliest times, humans have needed to be sensitive to their surroundings to survive, which means that we have an innate awareness of our environment and seek out environments with certain qualities.” 

Some of the qualities that make a good surrounding are:
1. Natural light: Exposure to natural light can improve your mood, sleep quality, circadian rhythm and cognitive performance. Natural light can also reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Greenery: Being in nature or having plants in your space can enhance your creativity, productivity, memory and attention. Greenery can also lower your blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels. 

2.Cleanliness: Having a clean and organized space can make you feel more calm, relaxed and in control. Cleanliness can also prevent infections, allergies and diseases.

3.Comfort: Having a comfortabe space that suits your needs and preferences can make you feel more at home and happy. Comfort can also improve your physical health by reducing pain, fatigue and discomfort. 

4.Personalization: Having a space that reflects your personality, values and interests can make you feel more authentic and confident. Personalization can also increase your sense of belonging and identity.

 How to Improve Your Surrounding Now that you know why good surrounding is so important, here are some tips on how to improve your environment and mental health: 

~Stay organized: Eliminating clutter and staying organized is not only good for your environment, but also for your mental health. 
Messy surroundings can make you anxious and overwhelmed. And this will lead to a significant decrease in your happiness and satisfaction. 
~Clutter prevents you from getting important things done. If your environment is disorganized, you don’t have to arrange everything today. Take it one step at a time.
~ You can start by organizing your desk or kitchen, and move on to other rooms as you pick momentum. 
~Another simple thing that you can do to stay organized is planning your day. 
~The best time to plan your day is the night before or immediately after waking up. 
~Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything that needs to get done during the day.

 Next, organize your activities in order of priority. You can use the ABCDE method to prioritize.
 You should never start working on a B task when an A task is not complete. When you start working on a task, don’t stop until you’ve completed it. Staying organized will motivate you and improve your mental health.
~ Avoid loud noises and crowds: Do concerts, airports and social gatherings make you uncomfortable? You are not alone. Studies show that loud exterior noises and crowded areas can elevate stress and anxiety levels. But it’s not only busy events that negatively impact your mental health. 
~Crowded cities can increase the risk of schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. 

Researchers have also found that people who live in the city have improved emotional intelligence and memory. However, when their personal space is invaded, their mental health may get negatively impacted. Avoiding loud noises and crowds whenever you can help you stay calm and focused. Loud noises and crowds may harm your productivity and performance.

• Add some color: Color can have a powerful effect on your emotions and behavior. Different colors can evoke different feelings and associations. For example, blue can make you feel calm, peaceful and trustworthy; red can make you feel passionate, energetic and alert; yellow can make you feel cheerful, optimistic and creative; green can make you feel natural, healthy and balanced; purple can make you feel luxurious, mysterious and spiritual; etc. You can use color to enhance your mood and motivation by choosing colors that suit your purpose and personality. You can add color to your space by painting the walls, using colorful furniture or accessories, hanging artworks or posters, etc. 

• Surround yourself with positive people: The people you interact with regularly can have a huge influence on your mental health and motivation. Surrounding yourself with positive people who support you, inspire you, challenge you and make you happy can boost your self-esteem, confidence, happiness and satisfaction. Positive people can also help you cope with stress, overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

 On the other hand, surrounding yourself with negative people who criticize you, discourage you, drain you and make you unhappy can lower your self-esteem, confidence, happiness and satisfaction. Negative people can also increase your stress, create problems and hinder your progress. Therefore, it is important to choose wisely who you spend time with and how much time you spend with them. Conclusion Your surrounding is so important because it affects your mental health and motivation in many ways.

 By improving your environment with natural light, greenery, cleanliness, comfort, personalization, color and positive people, you can enhance your mood, energy, focus and happiness. You can also improve your physical health, productivity, performance and wellbeing. 

Remember, you have the power to create a good surrounding for yourself and others.

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