Best morning routine 21 steps for a more productive day

Thinking of How to Design a Customized Plan for Your Goals and Lifestyle??  or
 How to Build a Morning Routine That Works for You??

First you should know what the above lines means. A morning routine is a set of habits and activities that you do every day to start your day on a positive and productive note. A good morning routine can help you improve your mood, energy, focus, and well-being. However, not everyone has the same needs and preferences when it comes to creating a morning routine that works for them. 

Here are some steps and tips to help you build a morning routine that suits your lifestyle and goals:

 1. Identify your purpose and priorities Before you decide what to do in the morning, you need to ask yourself why you want to have a morning routine and what are the most important things you want to accomplish in the day. Having a clear purpose and priorities can help you stay motivated and focused on your morning routine. 

#Some possible reasons for having a morning routine are: 
● To improve your physical health by exercising, stretching, hydrating, or eating a nutritious breakfast.
● To boost your mental health by practicing gratitude, meditation, affirmations, or journaling.
● To enhance your productivity by planning, setting goals, reviewing tasks, or learning something new.
● To express your creativity by writing, drawing, playing music, or doing a hobby ●To nurture your relationships by spending time with your family, friends, or pets To have fun and enjoy yourself by doing something that makes you happy, relaxed, or inspired 

2. Choose activities that suit your personality and preferences There is no one-size-fits-all formula for a perfect morning routine. Different people have different preferences and needs when it comes to how they like to start their day.

●Some people are early birds who love to wake up before dawn and get things done, while others are night owls who prefer to sleep in and ease into the day.
 ●Some people like to have a structured and consistent routine every day, while others like to have more flexibility and variety. 
●Some people like to do things alone and in silence, while others like to have company and noise. 

 The key is to choose activities that suit your personality and preferences, so that you can enjoy your morning routine and stick with it. 

For example:
● If you are an early bird, you can use the extra time in the morning to do some of your most important or challenging tasks, or to pursue your personal goals or passions. 
●If you are a night owl, you can adjust your schedule so that you can wake up later and still have enough time for your morning routine. You can also choose activities that help you wake up gradually and gently, such as listening to music or podcasts, reading a book, or doing some light exercise. 
●If you like structure and consistency, you can create a fixed sequence of activities that you do every morning at the same time and place. You can also use tools such as alarms, timers, calendars, or apps to help you follow your routine. 
●If you like flexibility and variety, you can mix up your activities depending on how you feel each morning or what you want to achieve that day. You can also experiment with different options and see what works best for you.
● If you like solitude and silence, you can find a quiet and comfortable spot where you can do your morning routine without any distractions or interruptions. You can also use headphones or earplugs to block out any unwanted noise.
● If you like company and noise, you can do your morning routine with someone else who shares your goals or interests, such as a partner, friend, family member, or online community. You can also use speakers or radio to play some background sound that helps you feel energized or relaxed.

 3. Plan ahead and prepare the night before To make it easier for you to accomplish your morning routine, take steps the night before to lessen your load and make the things you need more convenient.
 For instance
● Set your alarm for a realistic time that gives you enough sleep and enough time for your morning routine.
● Choose an alarm tone that is melodic and pleasant rather than harsh and annoying .
●Lay out your clothes for the next day (and for your children if you have any). ●Pack your bag or briefcase with everything you need for work or school. ●Prepare your breakfast or lunch in advance or have some healthy options ready .
●Set up your coffee maker or kettle so that you can have a hot drink ready when you wake up.
● Put everything you need for your morning routine in one place or close by. ●Clean up your bedroom and living space so that you don’t have any clutter or mess to deal with in the morning .

4. Start small and build up gradually If you are new to having a morning routine or if you want to change your existing one, don’t try to do too much at once. Start with one or two simple activities that take only a few minutes each and that are easy to do. 
Once you get used to them and see some benefits from them, you can add more activities or increase the duration of each one. 
 For example:
● If you want to exercise in the morning but don’t have much time or energy, start with some basic stretches or a short walk around the block 
●If you want to meditate in the morning but don’t know how or find it hard to focus, start with some deep breathing exercises or a guided meditation app .
●If you want to write in the morning but don’t know what to write about or feel stuck, start with some prompts or questions that spark your creativity or reflection.
 ●If you want to read in the morning but don’t have much attention span or interest, start with some articles or blogs that are relevant to your goals or passions.

 5. Track your progress and reward yourself One of the best ways to stay motivated and consistent with your morning routine is to track your progress and reward yourself for your efforts. 

##Tracking your progress can help you see how far you’ve come and how much closer you are to achieving your goals. Rewarding yourself can help you celebrate your achievements and reinforce positive habits.

For example:
~You can use a journal, planner, calendar, app, spreadsheet, or any other tool that works for you to record what activities you did each morning and how they made you feel .
~You can use stickers, stars, checkmarks, or any other symbols that make you happy to mark each day that you completed your morning routine
~ You can set milestones, such as completing your morning routine for a week, a month, or a year, and reward yourself with something meaningful, such as buying yourself something nice, treating yourself to a spa day, or taking yourself on a trip.

A morning routine is not something that has to be rigid, boring, or stressful. It is something that can be fun, relaxing, and rewarding. It is something that can help you start your day on a high note and set you up for success. It is something that can make a difference in your life. The key is to find out what works for you, and then stick with it. I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to build a morning routine that works for you.

If you like sketching your day here are some pages you want to refer and will make your process of doing things more fun and interesting!

these are some pages which you can take printouts and start your routine!

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