Ex US Vice President To Challenge Former Boss Trump In 2024 President Poll

Ex US Vice President To Challenge Former Boss Trump In 2024 President Poll

In a surprising move, Republican former vice president Mike Pence has launched his hotly-anticipated challenge to his one-time boss Donald Trump for the party's 2024 White House nomination, papers filed with the US Federal Election Commission showed Monday.

Pence's campaign launch

The 63-year-old evangelical Christian was scheduled to kick off his presidential campaign officially on Wednesday with a video in the early voting state of Iowa, joining an already crowded field. Pence will then make his pitch to the nation at a live televised town hall event at 9:00 pm (0100 GMT Thursday), setting up the unusual scenario of two former running mates becoming rivals.

Pence is expected to highlight his experience as vice president and governor of Indiana, as well as his conservative credentials on issues such as abortion, religious freedom and national security. He is also likely to appeal to the traditional Republican base of suburban voters, women and minorities, who have been alienated by Trump's divisive rhetoric and policies.

## Pence's relationship with Trump

The former vice president spent his 2017-21 tenure as vice president by Trump's side, honing his reputation as an unwaveringly loyal deputy who brought the religious right into the tent and who was willing to defend the president against any accusation.

But he became a pariah in Trumpworld after rejecting the Republican leader's demands that he overturn the 2020 election in his role as president of the Senate. Berated constantly by Trump after Joe Biden's victory -- and even heckled with chants of "traitor!" at a conservative conference in Florida -- Pence had continued to praise his assailant in public.

That eventually changed as Trump's torrent of false claims of election fraud led to a mob chanting for Pence to be hanged at the US Capitol on January 6. Since the riot, Pence has called out Trump for endangering his family and other people at the Capitol, and has emphasized his differences with Trump on issues ranging from the handling of Russian leader Vladimir Putin to abortion rights.

Pence's chances in 2024

Pence faces a tough battle to win over the Republican voters who still support Trump and see him as the rightful leader of the party. According to a recent poll by Morning Consult, only 13 percent of Republican voters said they would vote for Pence in 2024, compared to 53 percent who said they would vote for Trump.

Pence also has to contend with other potential candidates who have been courting the Trump base, such as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and South Dakota governor Kristi Noem.

However, Pence may have an advantage in appealing to the moderate and independent voters who are crucial for winning a general election. He may also benefit from his reputation as a calm and steady leader, especially in contrast to Trump's erratic and chaotic style.

Pence has said that he is proud of his record as vice president and that he will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve under Trump. But he has also made it clear that he is ready to chart his own course and offer a different vision for America's future.

Pence’s policies and agenda for 2024
Pence has also outlined his policy agenda for the Republican Party, which he calls the "Freedom Agenda". The agenda is organized into three pillars: American opportunity, American leadership and American culture.

Under American opportunity, Pence proposes to lower taxes, cut regulations, promote energy independence, expand school choice, protect workers’ rights and secure the border. He also calls for a balanced budget amendment and entitlement reform to address the national debt.

Under American leadership, Pence advocates for a strong national defense, a robust alliance with Israel, a tough stance on China and Iran, a free and fair trade policy and a respect for human rights. He also supports maintaining sanctions on Russia and providing more assistance to Ukraine.

Under American culture, Pence defends religious liberty, free speech, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and the rule of law. He also opposes critical race theory, censorship by big tech companies, transgender athletes in women’s sports and taxpayer funding of abortion and Planned Parenthood.

Pence says his agenda is “focused on the future” and offers a “clear and compelling choice” to the American people. He argues that by “relentlessly focusing on the future” conservatives can stop the radical left, win back Congress and statehouses in 2022 and win back America in 2024 and beyondPence’s challenges and opportunities in 2024
Pence faces a tough battle to win over the Republican voters who still support Trump and see him as the rightful leader of the party. According to a recent poll by Morning Consult, only 13 percent of Republican voters said they would vote for Pence in 2024, compared to 53 percent who said they would vote for Trump.

Pence also has to contend with other potential candidates who have been courting the Trump base, such as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and South Dakota governor Kristi Noem. DeSantis, who jumped into the race last week, has been polling consistently in second place behind Trump and has been praised by the former president as a possible successor.

However, Pence may have an advantage in appealing to the moderate and independent voters who are crucial for winning a general election. He may also benefit from his reputation as a calm and steady leader, especially in contrast to Trump’s erratic and chaotic style. Pence’s politics also aligns with evangelical Christians, a vital voting bloc for Republicans, who appreciate his staunch opposition to abortion and his support for religious liberty.

Pence has said that he is proud of his record as vice president and that he will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve under Trump. But he has also made it clear that he is ready to chart his own course and offer a different vision for America’s future. Whether he can convince enough voters to join him on that journey remains to be seen.Pence’s appeal to the American people
Pence has been traveling across the country, meeting with voters, donors and local leaders, to share his message and build support for his campaign. He has been highlighting his accomplishments as vice president, such as advancing the America First agenda, strengthening the military, reviving the economy, confronting China and Iran, and supporting the pro-life movement.

Pence has also been contrasting his vision with that of President Joe Biden and the Democrats, who he accuses of pushing a radical agenda that threatens the freedom, security and prosperity of the American people. He has criticized Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the border crisis, inflation, energy policy and foreign affairs.

Pence has urged Americans to join him in defending the values and principles that made America great and to reject the socialist policies and cancel culture of the left. He has called for a revival of patriotism, faith and freedom in the nation and a restoration of constitutional government and the rule of law.

Pence has said that he believes in the American people and their ability to overcome any challenge and achieve any dream. He has expressed his optimism and hope for the future of America and his confidence that with God’s help, America will be greater than ever before.Pence’s slogan and conclusion
Pence has adopted the slogan “Make America Great Again, Again” for his campaign, echoing Trump’s famous motto but adding a twist to signify his intention to continue and improve upon the legacy of the Trump-Pence administration. He has also used the hashtag #Pence2024 on social media to promote his candidacy and engage with his supporters.

Pence has concluded his speeches and events by asking Americans to join him in his mission to restore America’s greatness and to pray for the nation and its leaders. He has thanked his supporters for their faith and loyalty and expressed his gratitude for their trust and confidence.

Pence has said that he is running for president because he loves America and he believes that America needs a leader who will put America first, uphold the Constitution, defend the values that made America great, and fight for the freedom and dignity of every American.

Pence has said that he is ready to lead America into a new era of greatness and prosperity, with God’s grace and guidance. He has asked Americans to stand with him and vote for him in 2024, saying that together, they can make America great again, again.


(2) Former US vice-president Mike Pence to enter Republican presidential race in challenge to Donald Trump. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-06/mike-pence-to-enter-republican-presidential-race-donald-trump/102443584.
(3) Mike Pence To Contest Against His Former Boss Donald Trump In US Presidential Poll. https://pragativadi.com/mike-pence-to-contest-against-his-former-boss-donald-trump-in-us-presidential-poll/.


What nationality is Donald Trump?

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, media personality and politician.

When was Donald Trump born?

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, at Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York City, the fourth child of Fred Trump, a Bronx-born real-estate developer whose parents were German immigrants, and Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, an immigrant from Scotland.

Who is the oldest president?

The youngest at the time of his election to the office was John F. Kennedy, at age 43. The oldest person elected president was Joe Biden, the nation's current president, at age 77. Biden celebrated a birthday between Election Day and Inauguration Day making him 78 when sworn into office.

How much money does Trump have?

As of May, Forbes estimates Trump's net worth at $2.5 billion, putting the real estate developer at No. 1,232 on the magazine's list of the world's richest billionaires. That's a 22% decline from 2022, when the magazine estimated his fortune at $3.2 billion.

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