India’s jet engine deal with the US and why it matters

India’s jet engine deal with the US and why it matters

India and the US are set to sign a major defence deal to acquire fighter jet engines worth $700 million to power the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)¹. The deal will facilitate state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s (HAL) partnership with American firm General Electric (GE) for jointly manufacturing indigenous jet engines of fighter aircraft. The proposed agreement has evoked considerable interest in India and beyond, with experts terming it a significant step for bilateral defence and high-tech cooperation amid China’s growing influence and global technological dominance.

What is the deal about?

According to the proposed deal, US-based General Electric (GE) and Indian defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics will jointly produce GE-F414 turbofan engines in the 98 Kilonewton thrust class in India. These engines will be used in the made-in-India Tejas Mark-2 fighter jets. The Tejas Mark-2 is an improved version of the Tejas Mark-1, which uses less powerful GE-F404 engines procured without any transfer of technology (ToT). The deal will involve virtually 100% ToT for the GE-F414 engines, which will enable India to produce them indigenously and reduce its dependence on foreign suppliers.

Why is it important for India?

The deal is important for India for several reasons:

- It will boost India's self-reliance and technological transformation in the defence sector, which has been a long-standing goal of the country. India has been pursuing the development of indigenous military gas turbine engines for decades, but has faced several challenges and delays. The most notable example is the Kaveri programme , which was sanctioned in 1989 to develop an indigenous engine for the LCA project, but could not meet the necessary technical requirements.
- It will enhance India's defence capabilities and strategic autonomy amid increasing Chinese assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region and along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The Tejas Mark-2 jets, powered by the GE-F414 engines, will be more agile, stealthy and lethal than the Tejas Mark-1 jets, and will provide a much-needed edge to the Indian Air Force (IAF) in terms of air superiority.
- It will strengthen India's defence-industrial cooperation with the US, which is a key partner for India in terms of security and technology. The deal will pave the way for more joint production and co-development of existing as well as futuristic weapon systems and platforms, such as armed drones, long-range artillery and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems.

What are the challenges and opportunities?

The deal is not without its challenges and opportunities. Some of them are:

- The deal will require a high level of trust and commitment from both sides, as it involves sharing of sensitive technology and intellectual property rights. There may be issues related to quality control, cost escalation, export restrictions and liability clauses that need to be resolved before finalising the agreement.
- The deal will also entail a significant amount of investmentinfrastructure and skilled manpower from both sides, especially from India, to establish a robust production line and maintenance facility for the jet ,engines. India will have to ensure that it has adequate resources and capabilities to absorb and utilise the technology effectively.
- The deal will offer a huge opportunity for the Indian defence industry, especially the small, medium and large sectors that are participating in the programme. It will create jobs, spur innovation, foster competition and generate revenue for both countries. It will also open up new avenues for collaboration with other countries that are interested in acquiring or developing similar technologies.


The jet engine deal with the US is a landmark achievement for India's defence sector and a testament to its growing strategic partnership with the US. It will help India realise its vision of becoming a self-reliant and technologically advanced defence power, capable of meeting its security challenges and contributing to regional stability. It will also set a new benchmark for defence-industrial cooperation between the two countries, paving the way for more joint ventures in the future.


(2) Explained | What is India’s jet engine deal with the U.S. and why is ....


Why was the jet engine important?

The jet engine revolutionized air travel. Powerful and durable, jets enabled aircraft manufacturers to build bigger, faster, and more productive airliners. Jet technology also enabled airlines to reduce their operating costs and their airfares.

Why did Kaveri engine fail?

However, the Kaveri programme failed to satisfy the necessary technical requirements or keep up with its envisaged timelines and was officially delinked from the Tejas programme in September 2008.

Why India not able to develop jet engine?

Mastery of the rocket engine may not guarantee mastery over the aviation jet engine. Jet engine's longer life cycle, rotating parts, human payload, and maintenance make it significantly more challenging to design and engineer. Aircraft design and development is a very costly enterprise.

Which company makes jet engine in India?

New Delhi: General Electric's (GE) plan to manufacture fighter jet engines in India, a multi-billion dollar government-to-government deal, is going to be finalised during the visit of US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin next week, ABP Live has learnt.

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