Audio deepfake scams: Criminals are using AI to sound like family and people are falling for it

Voice Replica New Tools for Scammers

Voice cloning is a technology that allows users to recreate the unique vocal patterns of an individual. It has many legitimate applications, such as helping people with speech impairments, creating audiobooks, or enhancing entertainment. However, it also poses a serious threat to security and privacy, as scammers can use it to impersonate anyone and deceive their victims.

In this article, we will explore how voice cloning works, how scammers use it to carry out fraud, and how you can protect yourself from these scams.

How Voice Cloning Works

Voice cloning is based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that can analyze an audio sample of a person's voice and generate a synthetic voice that sounds like them. The quality and accuracy of the voice clone depend on several factors, such as the length and quality of the audio sample, the complexity of the voice, and the sophistication of the AI model.

Some voice cloning tools require only a few seconds of audio to create a convincing voice clone, while others may need minutes or hours of data. Some tools are available online for free or for a low cost, while others are more expensive or restricted. Some tools allow users to type in text and have the voice clone speak it in real time, while others require users to upload pre-recorded audio files.

How Scammers Use Voice Cloning

Scammers can use voice cloning to carry out various types of fraud, such as:

- Family emergency scams: The scammer calls a victim pretending to be a family member or a close friend in trouble and asks for money urgently. The scammer uses voice cloning to sound like the person they are impersonating and may also use personal information obtained from social media or other sources to make the story more believable.
- CEO fraud: The scammer calls an employee of a company pretending to be their boss or another senior executive and requests them to wire money or disclose sensitive information. The scammer uses voice cloning to sound like the authority figure and may also use business jargon or details to make the request seem legitimate.
- Romance scams: The scammer contacts a victim online through a dating site or social media and builds a romantic relationship with them. The scammer uses voice cloning to communicate with the victim over the phone and may also send them photos or videos of someone else. The scammer eventually asks the victim for money or personal information, claiming to have an emergency, a business opportunity, or a plan to meet in person.

These scams can cause severe emotional and financial harm to the victims, who may lose thousands of dollars or their identity. According to a survey by McAfee, 77% of victims in AI-enabled scam calls said they lost money, and more than a third of them lost more than $1,000.

How to Protect Yourself from Voice Cloning Scams

Voice cloning scams can be hard to detect, especially if the scammers use high-quality tools and do their research well. However, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself from these scams, such as:

- Verify the identity of the caller: If you receive a call from someone claiming to be a family member, a friend, or an authority figure, ask them questions that only they would know the answer to. You can also call them back on a known number or contact another person who knows them to confirm their identity.
- Be wary of urgent requests: If someone asks you for money or personal information urgently, be suspicious and do not act impulsively. Scammers often use pressure tactics and emotional manipulation to make you comply with their demands. Take your time and think critically before making any decisions.
- Do not share sensitive information: Do not give out your bank account details, credit card numbers, passwords, social security numbers, or other personal information over the phone or online. Scammers may use this information to steal your money or identity. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a request, contact your bank or other relevant institutions directly.
- Report suspicious calls: If you receive a call that you think is a scam, hang up immediately and report it to the appropriate authorities. You can also block the number or report it as spam on your phone. You can also warn your family members, friends, and colleagues about these scams and educate them on how to avoid them.

Voice cloning is a powerful technology that can have both positive and negative impacts on society. As consumers, we need to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of this technology and take precautions to protect ourselves from scammers who misuse it. By being vigilant and informed, we can prevent voice cloning from becoming a tool for fraud.


(1) AI Voice Cloning Helps Scammers—Here's How to Protect Yourself - Lifewire.
(2) Generative AI is enabling fake voice scams, identity fraud - Axios.
(3) Scammers are now using AI to sound like family members. It’s working ....


Can scammers replicate your voice?

The Federal Trade Commission warns that scammers are using artificial intelligence to clone people's voices, and the crimes are leading to distressing situations for people around the country.

What can a scammer do with a voice recording?

There's no way for a scammer to use a recording of your voice to do any serious damage, according to researchers at It's more likely that the scammer will try to intimidate you into paying by claiming that the voice recording is authorization of charges.

Is there a software to recreate someone's voice?

PlayHT's realtime Voice Cloning software allows you to create a voice in any style. We don't need perfect, studio-quality audio to generate your near-perfect voice clone.

What is the AI tool that mimics your voice?

1. is an award-winning AI-based voice generator and text-to-speech platform. It is one of the most robust and easiest platform to use that produces voices that resemble the real human voice.

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