Why More Indians are Going Abroad For Higher Education

Why most of Indian prefer abroad for education?

India is a country with a large population of young and aspiring students who want to pursue higher education and achieve their career goals. However, many of them face various challenges and limitations in the Indian education system, such as lack of quality, diversity, innovation, and opportunities. That is why more and more Indian students are choosing to study abroad in countries like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and China. According to a report by Redseer Strategy Consultants, the number of Indian students going abroad for higher education is expected to reach 1.8 million by 2024.

But what are the main reasons why Indian students prefer to study abroad? Here are some of the common factors that motivate them:

One of the most prominent reasons why Indian students study abroad is employment. Students prefer to study abroad and get an international qualification as it boosts their career prospects¹. Apart from the qualifications, graduates receive higher salaries and get more job opportunities in the global market. They also have the option to stay back and settle down in the host country, as many countries offer attractive immigration policies and work permits for skilled workers.  Moreover, studying abroad helps students develop cross-cultural skills, language proficiency, and networking abilities that are essential for working in a multicultural environment.

Another reason why Indian students choose to study abroad is quality. The quality of education in India is often compromised by factors such as outdated curriculum, inadequate infrastructure, poor faculty, high student-teacher ratio, and rote learning. On the other hand, foreign universities offer world-class education with cutting-edge technology, research facilities, top-notch faculty, and innovative pedagogy. They also offer a wider range of subjects, courses, and fields to choose from, catering to the diverse interests and aspirations of the students. Furthermore, foreign universities have better global recognition and ranking than most Indian universities, which enhances the credibility and value of the degree.

A third reason why Indian students opt for studying abroad is exposure. Studying abroad exposes students to a different culture, lifestyle, and perspective that enriches their personal and professional growth. They get to learn from people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions, which broadens their horizons and fosters tolerance and respect. They also get to experience new places, activities, and challenges that enhance their confidence and resilience. Studying abroad also helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and communication skills that are vital for success in the 21st century.


Studying abroad is a life-changing decision that can have many benefits for Indian students. It can help them achieve their academic and career goals, improve their skills and knowledge, and expand their worldview and personality. However, studying abroad also comes with its own set of challenges and risks, such as financial constraints, cultural shock, homesickness, and adaptation issues. Therefore, students should carefully weigh the pros and cons of studying abroad before making their choice. They should also do thorough research on the destination country, university, course, and visa requirements before applying. Studying abroad can be a rewarding experience if done with proper planning and preparation.


(5) Reasons Why Indian Students go Abroad to Study - CourseMentor. https://coursementor.com/blog/why-indian-students-go-abroad-to-study/.


Why foreign education is better than India?

The curriculum and specialisation options offered in Indian education and foreign education systems differ significantly. In India, the education system is often rigid and does not provide students with many opportunities to explore different fields.

Where do Indian students prefer to study abroad?

Indians now study in more than 240 countries globally, the Ministry of External Affairs informed Rajya Sabha last month. The UK, US, Australia and Canada still remains the preferred choice, but students are also considering countries like Uzbekistan, Philippines, Russia, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

How many Indian students want to study abroad?

The number of Indians choosing to study abroad rose from 4.5 lakh in 2017 to 5.2 lakh in 2018 to around 5.86 lakh in 2019, as per government data.

Why do you want to study in USA and not in India?

The United States of America (USA) hosts the most number of international students in the world. Quality education, unique curriculum, multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities are just some of the reasons why many Indian students want to study in the USA.

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