Nigerian engineering students’ favorite teachers are Indian YouTubers

Indian teachers on YouTube are responsible for the success of most engineering students: Nigerian students

How Indian educators are helping students in Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with a large population of young people who aspire to pursue higher education and careers in engineering. However, the quality of education in Nigeria is often inadequate and insufficient to meet the demands of the competitive and dynamic field of engineering. Many Nigerian engineering students struggle to understand complex concepts and apply them in practical situations. This is where Indian teachers on YouTube come in.

Indian teachers on YouTube are a group of educators who offer online tutorials for various engineering subjects, such as computer science, electronics, chemical engineering, mathematics, and physics. These teachers are mostly affiliated with prestigious Indian institutes of technology (IITs) or have extensive experience and expertise in their domains. They use simple language, clear examples, and engaging animations to explain difficult topics and make them accessible to students of all levels.

Many Nigerian engineering students have found these Indian teachers on YouTube to be extremely helpful and effective in supplementing their academic learning and enhancing their skills. In fact, some Nigerian students claim that Indian teachers on YouTube are responsible for their success in engineering. They say that these teachers are better than their classroom lecturers in university, who often fail to deliver quality education or inspire interest in the subjects.

One Nigerian student wrote on Twitter: "Indian guys on YouTube are responsible for the success of most engineering students in universities" . The tweet received over 38,000 likes and close to 9,000 retweets, with many other Nigerian students expressing their gratitude and appreciation towards Indian teachers on YouTube. Some of the most popular Indian education channels in Nigeria are NPTEL IIT Guwahati, Abdul Bari, Manocha Academy, and All About Electronics .

The Indian teachers on YouTube are well aware of their popularity and impact among Nigerian students. They say that they receive numerous comments and messages from Nigerian students thanking them for their content and requesting more videos on specific topics. They also say that they try to keep their lessons accessible and inclusive for all students, regardless of their background or location.

Abdul Bari, an Indian YouTuber who uploads tutorials on computer engineering, told Rest of World: "I am very happy that my videos are helping Nigerian students as well as students from other countries. I always try to make my videos simple and easy to understand for everyone. I also try to cover the topics that are relevant and useful for the current industry trends and demands" .

The Indian teachers on YouTube are not only providing academic support to Nigerian students, but also inspiring them to pursue their dreams and goals in engineering. They are showing them the possibilities and opportunities that engineering can offer, and motivating them to overcome the challenges and barriers that they face in their education system. They are also creating a community of learners who can interact with each other and share their knowledge and experiences.

Nigerian engineering students are grateful for the Indian teachers on YouTube who have made a difference in their lives. They hope that more Indian educators will join the platform and create more content for them. They also hope that their own education system will improve and provide them with better resources and facilities for learning engineering.

Indian teachers on YouTube are a shining example of how technology can bridge the gaps in education and create a positive impact on society. They are also a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and generosity that can transform lives across borders.
I'll try to continue the article for you. 

How to learn from Indian teachers on YouTube

If you are a Nigerian engineering student who wants to learn from Indian teachers on YouTube, here are some tips and suggestions that can help you make the most of their videos:

- Find the channels that suit your needs and interests. There are many Indian teachers on YouTube who cover different engineering subjects and topics. You can search for the keywords that match your curriculum or syllabus, or browse through the playlists and categories of the channels. You can also check the ratings, reviews, and feedback of other students who have watched the videos.
- Subscribe to the channels and turn on the notifications. This way, you can stay updated on the latest videos and content that the Indian teachers on YouTube upload. You can also join their social media pages and groups, where they often share additional resources and information related to their videos.
- Watch the videos at your own pace and convenience. You can watch the videos anytime and anywhere, as long as you have a stable internet connection and a device that can play them. You can also adjust the speed, quality, and subtitles of the videos according to your preference. You can pause, rewind, or replay the videos as many times as you need to understand the concepts and examples.
- Take notes and practice along with the videos. You can use a notebook or a digital tool to jot down the key points, formulas, diagrams, and steps that the Indian teachers on YouTube explain in their videos. You can also try to solve the problems and exercises that they demonstrate or assign in their videos. This will help you reinforce your learning and improve your retention and recall.
- Ask questions and clear your doubts. You can use the comment section or the chat feature of the videos to ask questions and clear your doubts with the Indian teachers on YouTube or other students who are watching the videos. You can also email them or message them directly if you have any specific queries or requests. They are usually very responsive and helpful, and will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.
- Review and revise regularly. You can use the videos as a revision tool before your exams or tests. You can watch them again or skim through them to refresh your memory and recall the important concepts and facts. You can also use them as a reference or a guide when you are working on your assignments or projects.
- Share your feedback and appreciation. You can show your gratitude and appreciation to the Indian teachers on YouTube by liking, commenting, sharing, and rating their videos. You can also give them constructive feedback and suggestions on how they can improve their content and delivery. You can also support them financially by donating or subscribing to their channels if they have such options.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can learn from Indian teachers on YouTube effectively and efficiently. You can also enjoy their videos and have fun while learning engineering.I'll try to continue the article for you. 

The benefits and challenges of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube

Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can have many benefits and challenges for Nigerian engineering students. Here are some of them:


- Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can help Nigerian engineering students gain access to high-quality and affordable education that may not be available or accessible in their own country. They can learn from the best and brightest minds in engineering who have world-class credentials and experience.
- Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can help Nigerian engineering students broaden their horizons and perspectives on engineering and its applications. They can learn about the latest trends, innovations, and developments in engineering that are happening in India and around the world. They can also learn about the cultural and social aspects of engineering that may differ from their own context.
- Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can help Nigerian engineering students enhance their skills and competencies in engineering. They can learn new concepts, methods, tools, and techniques that can help them solve complex problems and create innovative solutions. They can also improve their critical thinking, analytical, and creative skills that are essential for engineering.
- Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can help Nigerian engineering students prepare for their future careers and opportunities in engineering. They can learn about the industry standards, expectations, and requirements that they need to meet to succeed in engineering. They can also network and connect with other students, professionals, and organizations who are interested in or involved in engineering.


- Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube can also pose some challenges for Nigerian engineering students. One of them is the language barrier. Although most Indian teachers on YouTube use English as their medium of instruction, they may have different accents, pronunciations, or expressions that may be difficult for Nigerian students to understand or follow. They may also use technical terms or jargons that may not be familiar or common to Nigerian students.
- Another challenge is the internet connectivity and accessibility. To watch the videos of Indian teachers on YouTube, Nigerian engineering students need to have a stable and reliable internet connection and a device that can play them. However, internet access and quality may vary depending on the location, time, or provider of Nigerian students. They may also face issues such as slow speed, high cost, or limited data that may affect their learning experience.
- A third challenge is the alignment and relevance of the content. The videos of Indian teachers on YouTube may not always align or match with the curriculum or syllabus of Nigerian engineering students. They may also not always be relevant or applicable to the local context or needs of Nigerian engineering students. Therefore, Nigerian engineering students need to be careful and selective in choosing the videos that suit their learning objectives and outcomes.

These are some of the benefits and challenges of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube for Nigerian engineering students. By being aware of them, Nigerian engineering students can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to optimize their learning experience and achieve their learning goals.I'll try to continue the article for you. Here is a possible continuation:

How to become an Indian teacher on YouTube

If you are an Indian teacher who wants to join YouTube and create videos for engineering students, here are some tips and suggestions that can help you get started and succeed:

- Identify your niche and target audience. You need to decide what engineering subject or topic you want to teach and who you want to teach it to. You need to consider your own expertise, passion, and interest, as well as the demand, need, and preference of your potential students. You also need to research the existing channels and videos on YouTube that cover the same or similar subject or topic, and find out how you can differentiate yourself from them.
- Plan and prepare your content and delivery. You need to design and develop your content and delivery in a way that is clear, concise, and engaging. You need to structure your content into logical and coherent segments, such as introduction, explanation, demonstration, practice, and summary. You also need to choose the appropriate format, style, and tone for your delivery, such as lecture, tutorial, demonstration, or animation. You also need to use simple language, relevant examples, and helpful visuals to explain your content and make it easy to understand for your students.
- Record and edit your videos. You need to use the right equipment and software to record and edit your videos. You need to have a good camera, microphone, lighting, and background to ensure the quality and clarity of your videos. You also need to have a good editing software that can help you trim, crop, add effects, subtitles, annotations, and music to your videos. You also need to test and review your videos before uploading them to YouTube.
- Upload and promote your videos. You need to upload your videos to YouTube and optimize them for search engines and viewers. You need to use catchy titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails, and playlists for your videos. You also need to use keywords, hashtags, categories, and captions for your videos. You also need to promote your videos on social media platforms and other online forums where your target audience can find them. You also need to interact with your viewers by responding to their comments, questions, feedbacks, and requests.
- Monitor and improve your performance. You need to monitor and analyze your performance on YouTube using the analytics tools that YouTube provides. You need to track the views, watch time, subscribers, likes, dislikes, comments, shares, retention rate, click-through rate, revenue, and other metrics of your videos. You also need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your videos and channel, and find out what works and what doesn't work for your audience. You also need to keep learning from other successful Indian teachers on YouTube and improve your content and delivery accordingly.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can become an Indian teacher on YouTube who can create valuable and impactful videos for engineering students around the world.I'll try to continue the article for you. Here is a possible continuation:

The future of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube

Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube is a phenomenon that is likely to grow and evolve in the future. As technology advances and internet access improves, more and more Nigerian engineering students will be able to access and benefit from the videos of Indian teachers on YouTube. They will also be able to explore other online platforms and resources that can complement and enhance their learning experience.

At the same time, more and more Indian teachers will join YouTube and create videos for engineering students. They will also be able to leverage other tools and features that YouTube offers, such as live streaming, interactive quizzes, polls, and surveys, community tabs, memberships, and merchandise. They will also be able to collaborate and partner with other Indian teachers on YouTube or other online educators from different countries and disciplines.

The future of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube will also bring new opportunities and challenges for both Nigerian engineering students and Indian teachers. They will have to adapt to the changing trends, demands, and expectations of the engineering field and the online education market. They will also have to deal with the ethical, legal, and social issues that may arise from their online interactions and transactions.

Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube is a remarkable example of how technology can enable cross-cultural and cross-border education that can empower and transform lives. It is also a testament to the passion, dedication, and generosity of both Nigerian engineering students and Indian teachers who share a common love for engineering and learning.I'll try to continue the article for you. Here is a possible continuation:

How to support and appreciate Indian teachers on YouTube

If you are a Nigerian engineering student who has learned from Indian teachers on YouTube, you may want to show your support and appreciation to them. Here are some ways that you can do that:

- Like, comment, share, and rate their videos. This is the simplest and easiest way to show your support and appreciation to Indian teachers on YouTube. By liking, commenting, sharing, and rating their videos, you can help them reach more viewers and subscribers, boost their ranking and visibility on YouTube, and increase their revenue and recognition. You can also give them constructive feedback and suggestions on how they can improve their content and delivery.
- Donate or subscribe to their channels. Some Indian teachers on YouTube may have options for donations or subscriptions on their channels. By donating or subscribing to their channels, you can help them cover their costs and expenses, invest in better equipment and software, create more and better content, and achieve their goals and dreams. You can also get access to exclusive content and perks that they may offer to their donors or subscribers.
- Follow them on social media and other online platforms. Many Indian teachers on YouTube may have accounts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Quora. They may also have blogs, websites, podcasts, or newsletters. By following them on these platforms, you can stay updated on their latest news and activities, learn more about them and their work, and interact with them more personally and directly.
- Recommend them to your friends and family. Another way to support and appreciate Indian teachers on YouTube is to recommend them to your friends and family who may also be interested in or benefit from their videos. You can tell them about the Indian teachers on YouTube that you have learned from, share your experiences and outcomes with them, and encourage them to watch their videos and learn from them as well.
- Acknowledge and credit them in your work. If you have used the videos of Indian teachers on YouTube in your work, such as assignments, projects, presentations, or publications, you should acknowledge and credit them properly. You should cite their names, titles, dates, and URLs of their videos in your references or bibliography. You should also mention them in your acknowledgments or dedications if applicable. This will show your respect and gratitude to them for their contribution to your work.

By supporting and appreciating Indian teachers on YouTube in these ways, you can express your gratitude and admiration to them for their service and impact. You can also inspire and motivate them to continue their work and create more value for engineering students around the world.I'll try to continue the article for you. 


Indian teachers on YouTube are a phenomenon that has changed the lives of many Nigerian engineering students. They have provided them with high-quality and affordable education that has helped them learn, grow, and succeed in engineering. They have also inspired them to pursue their dreams and goals in engineering and beyond.

Nigerian engineering students have shown their appreciation and support to Indian teachers on YouTube by liking, commenting, sharing, and rating their videos, donating or subscribing to their channels, following them on social media and other online platforms, recommending them to their friends and family, and acknowledging and crediting them in their work.

The future of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube is bright and promising. As technology advances and internet access improves, more Nigerian engineering students will be able to access and benefit from the videos of Indian teachers on YouTube. They will also be able to explore other online platforms and resources that can complement and enhance their learning experience.

At the same time, more Indian teachers will join YouTube and create videos for engineering students. They will also be able to leverage other tools and features that YouTube offers, such as live streaming, interactive quizzes, polls, and surveys, community tabs, memberships, and merchandise. They will also be able to collaborate and partner with other Indian teachers on YouTube or other online educators from different countries and disciplines.

The future of learning from Indian teachers on YouTube will also bring new opportunities and challenges for both Nigerian engineering students and Indian teachers. They will have to adapt to the changing trends, demands, and expectations of the engineering field and the online education market. They will also have to deal with the ethical, legal, and social issues that may arise from their online interactions and transactions.

Learning from Indian teachers on YouTube is a remarkable example of how technology can enable cross-cultural and cross-border education that can empower and transform lives. It is also a testament to the passion, dedication, and generosity of both Nigerian engineering students and Indian teachers who share a common love for engineering and learning.


(1) Nigerian engineering students’ favorite teachers are Indian YouTubers.

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