Is Your Success Dependent Upon Proving You Are Smart Or Learning?

Is Success About Learning or Proving You're Smart?

Success is a word that can mean different things to different people. Some may define it as achieving a certain goal, such as getting a promotion, earning a degree, or starting a business. Others may see it as a state of happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction. But what is the underlying motivation behind success? Is it about learning new skills and knowledge, or proving that you are smart and capable?

According to Carol Dweck, a psychologist and author of the book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success", there are two types of mindsets that influence how people approach success: fixed and growth.

Fixed Mindset

People with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence and abilities are fixed and cannot be changed. They tend to avoid challenges, give up easily, ignore feedback, and feel threatened by the success of others. They believe that success is about proving that they are smart and talented, and that failure is a sign of weakness or lack of ability.

People with a fixed mindset may say things like:

- I'm not good at math.
- I can't do this.
- This is too hard for me.
- I don't need to learn anything new.
- I'm better than you.

Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort, learning, and feedback. They tend to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, seek feedback, and celebrate the success of others. They believe that success is about learning new skills and knowledge, and that failure is an opportunity to grow and improve.

People with a growth mindset may say things like:

- I can learn math if I work hard.
- I can do this if I try different strategies.
- This is hard but I can figure it out.
- I want to learn something new every day.
- I'm happy for you.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

According to Dweck, anyone can develop a growth mindset by changing their beliefs and behaviors. Here are some tips on how to do so:

- Replace the word "can't" with "not yet". For example, instead of saying "I can't write a blog article", say "I haven't written a blog article yet".
- View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, not as threats or obstacles. For example, instead of saying "This project is too difficult for me", say "This project will help me learn new skills".
- Seek feedback and learn from it, rather than ignoring it or taking it personally. For example, instead of saying "I don't care what you think", say "Thank you for your feedback, how can I improve?".
- Celebrate your own and others' progress and achievements, rather than comparing yourself or feeling jealous. For example, instead of saying "I'm better than you", say "I'm proud of what you've done".
- Adopt a positive attitude towards learning and improvement, rather than a negative one towards failure and mistakes. For example, instead of saying "I failed", say "I learned something".


Success is not about proving that you are smart or talented, but about learning new skills and knowledge that can help you achieve your goals and fulfill your potential. By developing a growth mindset, you can overcome your fears and challenges, embrace feedback and opportunities, and celebrate your own and others' progress. Remember: success is not a destination, but a journey. And the journey is more enjoyable when you have a growth mindset.


(1) SMART Goals - How to Make Your Goals Achievable - Mind Tools.
(2) Is success about learning or proving you’re smart? - Quora.
(3) Is Your Success Dependent Upon Proving You Are Smart Or Learning?.


Is success about learning or proving your smart?

success is about not about proving you are smart but it is about learning and stretching and challenging to make you smarter. Learning is a priority not finding out what you are good at.

What is the mindset of success?

His work lead him to conclude that there are seven mindsets of success: High aspirations; Courage; Resilience; Positive; Collaborative; Accountable and Growth.

Is the key to success the mindset?

Having a growth mindset (the belief that you are in control of your own ability, and can learn and improve) is the key to success. Yes, hard work, effort, and persistence are all important, but not as important as having that underlying belief that you are in control of your own destiny.

Why is mentality important for success?

Mindset is vital for your success. This is because what you think about directly affects your behavior. Mindset is the single most significant factor impacting a person's success, whether personal or professional. What you regularly think about has a direct impact on your conduct.

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