Express View on West Bengal’s crude bomb industry: An intolerable toll

Bengal's Crude Bomb Casualties: A Tragic Consequence of a Violent Cottage Industry


Crude bombs are not only a political weapon in West Bengal, but also a deadly threat to innocent children who often mistake them for toys. In the past two years, several children have been killed or maimed by crude bombs they found near their homes or playgrounds. These bombs are part of a lucrative cottage industry that caters to various clients, including rival crime networks and political parties. In this blog article, we will explore the causes and consequences of this menace, and the challenges in finding a solution.

The Scale of the Problem

According to an investigation by The Indian Express, at least 24 children have died and 18 have been seriously injured by crude bombs in five districts of West Bengal between 2021 and 2022. These districts are Birbhum, Burdwan, Kolkata, Malda and North 24 Parganas. The victims range from 6 to 11 years old, and most of them belong to poor families.

The investigation also revealed that making bombs is a widespread and profitable activity in these areas, with makeshift workshops operating in houses, fields, ponds and railway tracks. The bomb-makers use cheap and easily available materials such as iron pipes, nails, gunpowder, sulphur and potassium chlorate. They sell their products to various customers, including political parties, criminal gangs, land mafias and extortionists.

The demand for bombs increases during elections, festivals and communal clashes. The bomb-makers often hide their stockpiles in public places such as gardens, canals, garbage dumps and abandoned buildings. These places are frequented by children who unknowingly pick up the bombs and trigger them.

The Impact on the Children

The impact of the crude bomb explosions on the children is devastating. Many of them lose their limbs, eyesight, hearing or facial features. Some of them die on the spot or succumb to their injuries later. Those who survive face physical and psychological trauma, disability and social stigma. They also miss out on education, health care and opportunities for a better future.

The families of the victims suffer from grief, guilt and financial hardship. They often do not receive adequate compensation or justice from the authorities. Some of them are afraid to speak out or seek help due to fear of retaliation from the bomb-makers or their patrons.

The Response from the Authorities

The response from the authorities has been inadequate and ineffective in tackling the crude bomb menace. The police keep a track of individual cases reported in their respective districts, but do not have a comprehensive data on the number of children killed or injured by bombs across the state. The Child Rights Commission takes suo motu cognizance of some incidents and asks the police to take action, but does not follow up or ensure compensation for the victims.

The political parties shift blame and accuse each other of being involved in the bomb-making industry. The ruling Trinamool Congress claims that most of the bombs are made by the BJP and the CPM to create unrest and violence in the state. The BJP alleges that the TMC is shielding the bomb-makers and using them for its own benefit. The CPM denies any role in the bomb-making and blames both the TMC and the BJP for creating a lawless situation.

The state government has not taken any concrete steps to curb the bomb-making industry or protect the children from its hazards. It has not launched any awareness campaigns, crackdowns or rehabilitation programs for the affected children and families.

The Way Forward

The crude bomb menace in West Bengal is a serious human rights issue that needs urgent attention and action from all stakeholders. The state government should take the lead in formulating and implementing a comprehensive strategy to prevent, detect and destroy the bomb-making workshops and stockpiles. It should also provide adequate compensation, medical care and legal support to the victims and their families.

The police should conduct regular raids and arrests of the bomb-makers and their customers. They should also collect and maintain accurate data on the number of children killed or injured by bombs across the state. They should coordinate with other agencies such as railways, municipalities and forest departments to clear public places of any suspicious objects.

The Child Rights Commission should monitor and follow up on every case of child casualty due to bombs. It should also work with other child rights bodies, NGOs and civil society groups to raise awareness, provide counseling and education, and advocate for the rights of the affected children.

The political parties should stop using bombs as a tool of intimidation and violence. They should also refrain from blaming each other and politicizing the issue. They should cooperate with the authorities and the public in finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the problem.

The media should highlight and report on the plight of the children and their families who have been affected by bombs. They should also expose and investigate the nexus between the bomb-makers and their patrons. They should also educate and inform the public about the dangers of crude bombs and how to avoid them.

The public should be vigilant and alert about any suspicious objects or activities in their surroundings. They should also report any such incidents to the police or the Child Rights Commission. They should also support and empathize with the victims and their families, and help them in their recovery and rehabilitation.


Crude bombs are a curse that has claimed the lives and limbs of many innocent children in West Bengal. They are a product of a violent cottage industry that thrives on political patronage, criminal demand and public apathy. The only way to end this menace is to unite and act against it, before it claims more victims. The children of West Bengal deserve a safe and secure environment where they can play, learn and grow without fear.


(3) પશ્વિમ બંગાળમાં ક્રૂડ બોમ્બ ઉદ્યોગ બાળકોના મોત - west Bengal kolkata ....

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