India Map, Cities Marked, Study of Terror Attacks: What ATS Found in Pune ISIS Module Case | Exclusive

India is facing a serious threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a terrorist organization that has been responsible for many deadly attacks across the world. Recently, the Pune Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) uncovered a major ISIS module in Maharashtra, arresting several suspects who were allegedly planning to carry out terror strikes in various cities of India. In this article, we will look at the details of this case and what the ATS found during their investigation.

The Arrests

The ATS first arrested four people on July 3, 2023, from Mumbai, Thane and Pune. They were identified as Tabish Nasser Siddiqui from Mumbai, Zubair Noor Mohammed Shaikh alias Abu Nusaiba from Pune, Sharjeel Shaikh and Zulfikar Ali Barodawala from Thane. They were accused of being members of the Al Sufa terrorist gang or the Ratlam module of ISIS, which was involved in the recovery of explosives from a car in Rajasthan in April 2022.

On July 18, 2023, the ATS arrested two more suspects from Kondhwa in Pune. They were Mohammad Imran Khan and Mohammad Yunus Saki, who worked for the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), an offshoot of ISIS. They were wanted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in connection with the same case. They had allegedly arrived in Maharashtra during Ramzan in 2022 and had been living on rent since then.

On July 22, 2023, the ATS arrested another suspect from Kondhwa. He was Simab Nasaruddin Qazi, who was accused of aiding Shahanawaaz Alam, another wanted terrorist who is still on the run. Qazi had allegedly helped Alam to procure fake identity documents and SIM cards.

On August 5, 2023, the NIA arrested the sixth suspect in the case from Borivali in Mumbai. He was Aakif Ateeque Nachan, who was alleged to be involved in the fabrication and testing of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) for terror acts and arranging a hideout for two other terror operatives. He was also a close associate of Pune-based anaesthesiologist Dr Adnanali Sarkar, who was arrested by the NIA on July 28, 2023, from his residence in Kondhwa. Sarkar was accused of being a key member of the ISIS module and providing financial and logistical support to the other suspects.

The Evidence

The ATS and the NIA have seized several incriminating materials from the suspects during their raids. These include electronic gadgets, documents, chemical powder, charcoal, a thermometer, a dropper, a soldering gun, a multimeter, small bulbs, batteries, an alarm clock and a spanner. These items were allegedly used in making bombs and stealing motorcycles.

The most shocking evidence that the ATS found was an Indian map containing several cities marked with red dots. The map was recovered from one of the laptops seized from the suspects. The ATS said that the map indicated that the suspects had studied the modus operandi of terror attacks and had selected potential targets for their planned strikes. The cities marked on the map included Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai.

The ATS also found that the suspects had conducted online research on various topics related to terrorism. These included how to make IEDs using household items, how to use acid as an explosive material, how to use timer devices to trigger blasts and how to evade security agencies. The suspects had also watched videos of previous terror attacks carried out by ISIS and other groups in India and abroad.

The Motive

According to the ATS and the NIA, the motive behind the ISIS module was to spread terror and violence in India and to establish an Islamic caliphate or state under their rule. The suspects were allegedly radicalized by online propaganda of ISIS and were influenced by its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. They were also in touch with some foreign handlers who guided them through encrypted chat platforms like Telegram and Threema.

The suspects had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS and had taken oaths to carry out jihad or holy war against non-believers. They had also undergone physical training and weapons handling sessions at various locations in Maharashtra. They had also participated in bomb-making workshops in Kondhwa in 2022 and had prepared a demo IED and conducted a controlled explosion.

The Future

The ATS and the NIA are still investigating the case and are trying to nab more suspects who may be involved in the ISIS module. They are also probing the links between the different groups of suspects and their sources of funding and arms. They are also examining the digital evidence and the communication records of the suspects to trace their network and activities.

The case has exposed the grave threat that ISIS poses to India and its security. It has also highlighted the need for more vigilance and coordination among the various agencies and the public to prevent such terror plots from being executed. The case has also raised questions about the role of social media and the internet in radicalizing and recruiting young people for terrorism. It has also shown the importance of countering the extremist ideology of ISIS and promoting peace and harmony among different communities in India.


(1) India Map, Cities Marked, Study of Terror Attacks: What ATS Found in Pune ISIS Module Case | Exclusive.
(2) NIA Makes 6th Arrest in ISIS Maharashtra Module Case, Accused Aakif Nachan Involved in Fabrication of IEDs.

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