Modi erased N and put P for 'pettiness': Congress slams Nehru memorial name change

Erased N and put P which stands for...': Congress slams PM over museum renaming

The Congress party has strongly criticized the decision of the Modi government to rename the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) as the Prime Ministers' Museum and Library (PMML) Society, saying that it reflects the prime minister's insecurity and pettiness towards the legacy of India's first and longest-serving prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

What is the NMML and why is it important?

The NMML was established in 1964 in the memory of Nehru, who was also a freedom fighter, a visionary leader, and a champion of democracy, secularism, science, and liberalism. The NMML is housed in the Teen Murti House, which was the official residence of Nehru from 1948 to 1964. The NMML has a museum, a library, a planetarium, and a research center that showcase the life and works of Nehru and his contemporaries. The NMML also hosts various academic and cultural events, seminars, exhibitions, and publications related to modern Indian history and contemporary issues.

The NMML is considered as one of the most prestigious and iconic institutions in India, as well as a symbol of the nation's respect and gratitude to Nehru for his contributions to the making of modern India. The NMML attracts thousands of visitors every year, including scholars, students, researchers, dignitaries, and tourists from India and abroad.

What is the PMML and why is it controversial?

The PMML is the new name given to the NMML by the Modi government with effect from August 14, 2023. The PMML Society will be responsible for managing and developing the institution as a memorial for all the prime ministers of India. The PMML will also include a new museum complex that will display the achievements and artifacts of all the prime ministers since independence.

The renaming of the NMML as the PMML has sparked a controversy and a backlash from the Congress party and other opposition parties, as well as some historians, intellectuals, and civil society groups. They have accused the Modi government of trying to erase or diminish the legacy of Nehru and his family, who have dominated Indian politics for decades. They have also questioned the need and the motive behind changing the name of an institution that has been functioning well for over half a century.

What are the arguments of the Congress party?

The Congress party has slammed the Modi government for renaming the NMML as the PMML, calling it a "petty act" and a "relentless assault" on Nehru and his legacy. The Congress party has argued that:

- The renaming shows Modi's insecurity and inferiority complex towards Nehru, who was a towering figure in Indian history and politics.
- The renaming is an attempt to rewrite history and distort facts by ignoring or undermining Nehru's role in shaping India's destiny.
- The renaming is an insult to Nehru's memory and his contribution to India's freedom struggle, democracy, secularism, science, and development.
- The renaming is unnecessary and wasteful, as there are already other institutions that honor all the prime ministers of India.
- The renaming is disrespectful to the sentiments of millions of Indians who admire and respect Nehru as a national hero.

The Congress party has also pointed out that Modi has replaced 'N' with 'P' in the name of the institution, which stands for "pettiness" and "peeve". The Congress party has asserted that despite Modi's efforts to deny or defame Nehru, his legacy will live on for generations to come.

What are the arguments of the Modi government?

The Modi government has defended its decision to rename the NMML as the PMML, saying that it is in tune with the "democratisation" and "diversification" of the remit of the institution. The Modi government has argued that:

- The renaming is not an act of disrespect or disregard to Nehru, but rather an act of inclusion and recognition of all the prime ministers who have served India.
- The renaming is not a change in the identity or character of the institution, but rather an expansion in its scope and vision.
- The renaming is not a waste of resources or time, but rather an investment in creating a world-class museum complex that will showcase India's rich history and achievements.
- The renaming is not a political move or agenda, but rather a cultural initiative that will enhance public awareness and appreciation of India's diverse leadership.
- The renaming is not a violation of any law or rule, but rather a legitimate and lawful decision taken by the executive council of the institution.

The Modi government has also claimed that the renaming is in line with the wishes of Nehru himself, who had expressed his desire to have a memorial for all the prime ministers of India in his will.

What are the implications of the renaming?

The renaming of the NMML as the PMML has implications for the future of the institution, as well as for the politics and history of India. Some of the possible implications are:

- The renaming may affect the functioning and autonomy of the institution, as it may come under more political influence and interference from the government.
- The renaming may alter the focus and content of the institution, as it may have to accommodate and balance the narratives and perspectives of different prime ministers and their parties.
- The renaming may impact the public perception and reception of the institution, as it may lose some of its credibility and appeal among certain sections of society who may see it as a partisan or biased entity.
- The renaming may reflect the changing dynamics and trends in Indian politics and history, as it may indicate a shift in power and popularity from the Nehru-Gandhi family to the Modi-led BJP.
- The renaming may trigger more debates and controversies over other historical figures and monuments in India, as it may open up questions of representation and recognition of diverse identities and ideologies.


The renaming of the NMML as the PMML is a contentious and controversial issue that has divided opinions and emotions among various stakeholders in India. While the Modi government has justified its decision as a progressive and inclusive move, the Congress party has condemned it as a regressive and exclusive move. The renaming has also raised broader issues of historical memory, political identity, and cultural heritage in India. The renaming may have significant consequences for the institution itself, as well as for the nation at large. The renaming may also have implications for the future relations between India and other countries, especially those that have had close ties with Nehru and his legacy.


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