Alarm bells as vector-borne illnesses on the rise in Pune

Vector-Borne Diseases On The Rise In Pune, Officials Urge Residents To Keep Surroundings Clean

Pune is a city that is known for its cultural heritage, educational excellence, and IT industry. However, in recent times, the city has also been facing a serious challenge of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. These diseases are caused by parasites or viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects. They can cause fever, headache, joint pain, rash, and sometimes severe complications or death.

According to the data shared by the Maharashtra Public Health Department, the state recorded 2,709 cases of malaria, 2,701 cases of dengue and 134 cases of chikungunya in August 2023; as compared to 1,814 malaria cases, 1,197 dengue cases and 93 chikungunya cases in July 2023. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) reported 47 dengue cases and 7 chikungunya cases in August 2023. This alone surpasses the total number of cases reported in past seven months in the city. Between January and July 2023, the PMC reported 39 dengue and three chikungunya cases.

The main reasons for the rise of vector-borne diseases in Pune are the heavy rain and high humidity that the city has experienced for the past couple of months. These weather conditions create a conducive atmosphere for the breeding of mosquitoes and other insects. The stagnant water around the house, pet drinking bowls or dumped plastic containers where rainwater accumulates turn into breeding spots. The air coolers, fridge, pots, plants, bathrooms, water tanks and stored water are also potential sources of mosquito larvae.

The officials from the PMC and the state health department have urged the residents to keep their surroundings clean and prevent mosquito breeding in and around their homes. They have also advised the people to use mosquito repellents, nets, and coils to protect themselves from mosquito bites. They have also suggested the people to wear full-sleeved clothes and avoid going out during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

The officials have also initiated various measures to control the spread of vector-borne diseases in the city. They have conducted fogging and spraying operations in different areas to kill adult mosquitoes. They have also distributed larvicides and fish that feed on mosquito larvae to reduce their population. They have also conducted awareness campaigns and health camps to educate the public about the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of vector-borne diseases.

The officials have also appealed to the people to cooperate with them in their efforts to keep the city clean and healthy. They have asked the people to report any cases of fever or suspected vector-borne diseases to the nearest health center or hospital. They have also requested the people to participate in the regular clean-up drives organized by the PMC or other NGOs.

By keeping our surroundings clean, we can not only save ourselves from vector-borne diseases but also contribute to the beauty and environment of our city. Let us join hands and make Pune a cleaner and greener city.


(5) How to Keep Your Neighborhood Clean: 15 Best Ways - wikiHow.
(6) How to keep our surroundings clean? – Essay – EdgeArticles.

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