India joins US, Australia and Japan to urge Russia against arms deal with North Korea

India joins US, Australia and Japan to urge Russia against arms deal with North Korea

India has recently joined the US, Australia and Japan in sending a strong message to Russia, urging it to refrain from selling arms and military equipment to North Korea. The four countries, which are part of the Quad coalition, expressed their concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, which violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

The Quad foreign ministers met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23, 2023, and issued a joint statement condemning North Korea's destabilizing launches using ballistic missile technology and its continued pursuit of nuclear weapons. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearization of North Korea and urged it to abide by all its obligations under the UN Security Council resolutions and engage in substantive dialogue.

The Quad foreign ministers also stressed the importance of addressing the proliferation of nuclear and missile technologies related to North Korea in the region and beyond. They called on all member states of the UN to abide by the Security Council resolutions prohibiting "the transfer to North Korea or procurement from North Korea of all arms and related materiel".

The statement came after North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un made a rare weeklong visit to Russia and met with President Vladimir Putin in late August 2023. The two leaders discussed "possibilities" for military cooperation, raising speculation that Russia might be interested in procuring ammunition from North Korea to replenish its stock, which was depleting fast due to its military intervention in Ukraine.

Russia has been under US and EU sanctions since 2014 for its annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. The conflict has escalated in recent months, with Russia deploying thousands of troops and heavy weapons near the border and launching airstrikes and artillery attacks on Ukrainian positions.

The US has been providing military assistance to Ukraine, including lethal weapons, training and intelligence support. On September 22, 2023, the US announced a new $60 million arms package for Ukraine, which included Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger man-portable air-defense systems and other equipment.

India, on the other hand, has been maintaining a delicate balance between its strategic ties with both the US and Russia, which are its major defence partners. India has been reluctant to join the US and its allies in condemning Russia for its aggression against Ukraine, apparently in view of its decades-old dependence on Russia for defence equipment, especially high-tech military hardware.

India has also been wary of the growing strategic partnership between Russia and China, which are both members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS group. China has been India's main rival and adversary in the region, especially after the violent border standoff in eastern Ladakh that began in May 2020 and is still unresolved.

By joining the Quad foreign ministers in urging Russia to respect the UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea, India has shown its commitment to the regional and global security and stability, as well as its solidarity with its Quad partners. India has also demonstrated its willingness to work with the US and other like-minded countries to counter the threats posed by North Korea and China in the Indo-Pacific region.


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