G20 Culture Ministers' meet: Modi says heritage vital asset for economic growth

Cultural heritage crucial for nation’s economic growth: PM Modi at G20 Culture ministerial meet

Cultural heritage is not just a matter of pride and identity, but also a source of economic growth and development. This was the message conveyed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 Culture ministerial meet held in Varanasi on August 26, 2023. Modi addressed the meeting virtually and highlighted India's efforts to preserve and promote its rich and diverse cultural heritage, as well as to support the cultural and creative industries that contribute to the country's economy and society.

What is cultural heritage?

Cultural heritage refers to the legacy of tangible and intangible assets that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present, and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. Tangible heritage includes monuments, buildings, archaeological sites, landscapes, artworks, crafts, and other material objects that have cultural significance. Intangible heritage includes traditions, customs, languages, music, dance, rituals, festivals, and other forms of expression that have cultural value.

Cultural heritage is closely linked to various areas of sustainable development goals, such as environmental, social, and economic issues. Specifically, World Cultural Heritage (s) (WCH) sites play significant roles in economic activities, such as the tourism economy, culture economy, circular economy, and low-carbon economy.

How does India preserve and promote its cultural heritage?

India is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage that spans over 5,000 years of history. India has 38 WCH sites, which include historical monuments, natural wonders, religious places, and cultural landscapes. India also has over 3,000 unique arts and crafts, which reflect the creativity and skill of its artisans and craftsmen.

India has been working hard to preserve and revitalize its heritage sites, and to map its cultural assets and artists at state and national levels. Some of the initiatives taken by India in this regard are:

- The Prime Minister's Museum in Delhi, which showcases India's democratic heritage and its journey since independence.
- The 'Yuge Yugeen Bharat' National Museum, which will display India's 5,000-year-old rich tapestry of history and culture through various exhibits and interactive features.
- The 'One District, One Product' initiative, which showcases the uniqueness of Indian crafts while fostering self-reliance and employment generation for the artisans.
- The PM Vishwakarma Yojana, which will create an ecosystem of support for traditional artisans and enable them to flourish in their crafts and contribute to the preservation of India's rich cultural heritage. The scheme will have an initial outlay of $ 1.8 billion⁴.
- The Culture Unites All campaign⁵, which encapsulates the spirit of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (the world is one family) and promotes intercultural dialogue and cooperation among G20 nations.

Why is cultural heritage crucial for nation’s economic growth?

Cultural heritage is crucial for nation’s economic growth because it:

- Attracts tourists from across the world who spend money on travel, accommodation, food, souvenirs, etc., thereby generating revenue and employment for the local economy.
- Stimulates the development of cultural and creative industries that produce goods and services based on cultural content, such as films, music, books, games, fashion, design, etc., thereby creating value addition and innovation for the economy.
- Enhances the social capital and well-being of the people who participate in or benefit from cultural activities, such as learning new skills, expressing themselves creatively, preserving their identity, celebrating their diversity, etc., thereby improving their quality of life and productivity.
- Fosters a sense of pride and belonging among the citizens who appreciate their cultural heritage and respect that of others, thereby strengthening their national unity and social cohesion.


Cultural heritage is not only a source of joy and inspiration for humanity but also a driver of economic growth and development for nations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized this point at the G20 Culture ministerial meet in Varanasi and showcased India's efforts to preserve and promote its rich and diverse cultural heritage. He also urged the G20 nations to work together to harness the transformative power of culture to address today's multifaceted development challenges such as climate change , rising inequalities ,and digital transformation . He expressed confidence that the efforts made by the G20 Culture Ministers Group will foster sustainable practices and lifestyles ,and shape a more inclusive ,resilient ,and prosperous world .


(1) The G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting, under India’s Presidency, concluded .... https://www.g20.org/en/media-resources/press-releases/august-2023/the-g20-cmm-up/.
(4) G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting 2021 - SDG Knowledge Hub. https://sdg.iisd.org/events/g20-culture-ministers-meeting-2021/.
(5) Cultural heritage crucial for nation’s economic growth: PM Modi at G20 Culture ministerial meet. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/cultural-heritage-crucial-for-nation-s-economic-growth-pm-modi-at-g20-culture-ministerial-meet/ar-AA1fNFWh.
(10) Will World Cultural Heritage Sites Boost Economic Growth? Evidence from .... https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/10/8375.

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